

Name Type Description Notes
cdh_parcel_version str If using parcels, the full version of an already distributed parcel for the next major CDH version. Default is null, which indicates this is a package upgrade. Example versions are: '5.0.0-1.cdh5.0.0.p0.11' or '5.0.2-1.cdh5.0.2.p0.32' [optional]
cdh_package_version str If using packages, the full version of the CDH packages being upgraded to, such as &quot;5.1.2&quot;. These packages must already be installed on the cluster before running the upgrade command. For backwards compatibility, if &quot;5.0.0&quot; is specified here, then the upgrade command will relax validation of installed packages to match v6 behavior, only checking major version. <p> Introduced in v9. Has no effect in older API versions, which assume &quot;5.0.0&quot; [optional]
rolling_restart_args ApiRollingUpgradeClusterArgs If provided and rolling restart is available, will perform rolling restart with the requested arguments. If provided and rolling restart is not available, errors. If omitted, will do a regular restart. <p> Introduced in v9. Has no effect in older API versions, which must always do a hard restart. [optional]
deploy_client_config bool Not used starting in v9 - Client config is always deployed as part of upgrade. For older versions, determines whether client configuration should be deployed as part of upgrade. Default is true. [optional]
start_all_services bool Not used starting in v9 - All servies are always started as part of upgrade. For older versions, determines whether all services should be started should be deployed as part of upgrade. Default is true. [optional]

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