

Name Type Description Notes
timestamp str Readonly. This timestamp is provided when you request a deployment and is not required (or even read) when creating a deployment. This timestamp is useful if you have multiple deployments saved and want to determine which one to use as a restore point. [optional]
clusters list[ApiCluster] List of clusters in the system including their services, roles and complete config values. [optional]
hosts list[ApiHost] List of hosts in the system [optional]
users list[ApiUser2] List of all users in the system [optional]
version_info ApiVersionInfo Full version information about the running Cloudera Manager instance [optional]
management_service ApiService The full configuration of the Cloudera Manager management service including all the management roles and their config values [optional]
manager_settings ApiConfigList The full configuration of Cloudera Manager itself including licensing info [optional]
all_hosts_config ApiConfigList Configuration parameters that apply to all hosts, unless overridden at the host level. Available since API v3. [optional]
peers list[ApiCmPeer] The list of peers configured in Cloudera Manager. Available since API v3. [optional]
host_templates ApiHostTemplateList The list of all host templates in Cloudera Manager. [optional]

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