

Name Type Description Notes
phase str Phase the replication is in. <p/> If the replication job is still active, this will contain a string describing the current phase. This will be one of: EXPORT, DATA or IMPORT, for, respectively, exporting the source metastore information, replicating table data (if configured), and importing metastore information in the target. <p/> This value will not be present if the replication is not active. <p/> Available since API v4. [optional]
table_count float Number of tables that were successfully replicated. Available since API v4. [optional]
tables list[ApiHiveTable] The list of tables successfully replicated. <p/> Since API v4, this is only available in the full view. [optional]
impala_udf_count float Number of impala UDFs that were successfully replicated. Available since API v6. [optional]
hive_udf_count float Number of hive UDFs that were successfully replicated. Available since API v14. [optional]
impala_ud_fs list[ApiImpalaUDF] The list of Impala UDFs successfully replicated. Available since API v6 in the full view. [optional]
hive_ud_fs list[ApiHiveUDF] The list of Impala UDFs successfully replicated. Available since API v6 in the full view. [optional]
error_count float Number of errors detected during replication job. Available since API v4. [optional]
errors list[ApiHiveReplicationError] List of errors encountered during replication. <p/> Since API v4, this is only available in the full view. [optional]
data_replication_result ApiHdfsReplicationResult Result of table data replication, if performed. [optional]
dry_run bool Whether this was a dry run. [optional]
run_as_user str Name of the of proxy user, if any. Available since API v11. [optional]
run_on_source_as_user str Name of the source proxy user, if any. Available since API v18. [optional]

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