

Name Type Description Notes
total_cpu_cores float Average number of CPU cores available in the cluster during the report window. [optional]
avg_cpu_utilization float Average CPU consumption for the entire cluster during the report window. This includes consumption by user workloads in YARN and Impala, as well as consumption by all services running in the cluster. [optional]
max_cpu_utilization float Maximum CPU consumption for the entire cluster during the report window. This includes consumption by user workloads in YARN and Impala, as well as consumption by all services running in the cluster. [optional]
avg_cpu_daily_peak float Average daily peak CPU consumption for the entire cluster during the report window. This includes consumption by user workloads in YARN and Impala, as well as consumption by all services running in the cluster. [optional]
avg_workload_cpu float Average CPU consumption by workloads that ran on the cluster during the report window. This includes consumption by user workloads in YARN and Impala. [optional]
max_workload_cpu float Maximum CPU consumption by workloads that ran on the cluster during the report window. This includes consumption by user workloads in YARN and Impala. [optional]
avg_workload_cpu_daily_peak float Average daily peak CPU consumption by workloads that ran on the cluster during the report window. This includes consumption by user workloads in YARN and Impala. [optional]
total_memory float Average physical memory (in bytes) available in the cluster during the report window. This includes consumption by user workloads in YARN and Impala, as well as consumption by all services running in the cluster. [optional]
avg_memory_utilization float Average memory consumption (as percentage of total memory) for the entire cluster during the report window. This includes consumption by user workloads in YARN and Impala, as well as consumption by all services running in the cluster. [optional]
max_memory_utilization float Maximum memory consumption (as percentage of total memory) for the entire cluster during the report window. This includes consumption by user workloads in YARN and Impala, as well as consumption by all services running in the cluster. [optional]
avg_memory_daily_peak float Average daily peak memory consumption (as percentage of total memory) for the entire cluster during the report window. This includes consumption by user workloads in YARN and Impala, as well as consumption by all services running in the cluster. [optional]
avg_workload_memory float Average memory consumption (as percentage of total memory) by workloads that ran on the cluster during the report window. This includes consumption by user workloads in YARN and Impala. [optional]
max_workload_memory float Maximum memory consumption (as percentage of total memory) by workloads that ran on the cluster. This includes consumption by user workloads in YARN and Impala [optional]
avg_workload_memory_daily_peak float Average daily peak memory consumption (as percentage of total memory) by workloads that ran on the cluster during the report window. This includes consumption by user workloads in YARN and Impala. [optional]
tenant_utilizations ApiTenantUtilizationList A list of tenant utilization reports. [optional]
max_cpu_utilization_timestamp_ms float Timestamp corresponding to maximum CPU utilization for the entire cluster during the report window. [optional]
max_memory_utilization_timestamp_ms float Timestamp corresponding to maximum memory utilization for the entire cluster during the report window. [optional]
max_workload_cpu_timestamp_ms float Timestamp corresponds to maximum CPU consumption by workloads that ran on the cluster during the report window. [optional]
max_workload_memory_timestamp_ms float Timestamp corresponds to maximum memory resource consumption by workloads that ran on the cluster during the report window. [optional]
error_message str Error message while generating utilization report. [optional]

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