

Name Type Description Notes
name String The name of the service. [optional]
type String The type of the service, e.g. HDFS, MAPREDUCE, HBASE. [optional]
clusterRef ApiClusterRef Readonly. A reference to the enclosing cluster. [optional]
serviceState ApiServiceState Readonly. The configured run state of this service. Whether it's running, etc. [optional]
healthSummary ApiHealthSummary Readonly. The high-level health status of this service. [optional]
configStale Boolean Readonly. Expresses whether the service configuration is stale. [optional]
configStalenessStatus ApiConfigStalenessStatus Readonly. Expresses the service's configuration staleness status which is based on the staleness status of its roles. Available since API v6. [optional]
clientConfigStalenessStatus ApiConfigStalenessStatus Readonly. Expresses the service's client configuration staleness status which is marked as stale if any of the service's hosts have missing client configurations or if any of the deployed client configurations are stale. Available since API v6. [optional]
healthChecks List<ApiHealthCheck> Readonly. The list of health checks of this service. [optional]
serviceUrl String Readonly. Link into the Cloudera Manager web UI for this specific service. [optional]
roleInstancesUrl String Readonly. Link into the Cloudera Manager web UI for role instances table for this specific service. Available since API v11. [optional]
maintenanceMode Boolean Readonly. Whether the service is in maintenance mode. Available since API v2. [optional]
maintenanceOwners List<ApiEntityType> Readonly. The list of objects that trigger this service to be in maintenance mode. Available since API v2. [optional]
config ApiServiceConfig Configuration of the service being created. Optional. [optional]
roles List<ApiRole> The list of service roles. Optional. [optional]
displayName String The display name for the service that is shown in the UI. Available since API v2. [optional]
roleConfigGroups List<ApiRoleConfigGroup> The list of role configuration groups in this service. Optional. Available since API v3. [optional]
replicationSchedules List<ApiReplicationSchedule> The list of replication schedules for this service. Optional. Available since API v6. [optional]
snapshotPolicies List<ApiSnapshotPolicy> The list of snapshot policies for this service. Optional. Available since API v6. [optional]
entityStatus ApiEntityStatus Readonly. The entity status for this service. Available since API v11. [optional]