name | String | Activity name. | [optional] |
type | ApiActivityType | Activity type. Whether it's an MR job, a Pig job, a Hive query, etc. | [optional] |
parent | String | The name of the parent activity. | [optional] |
startTime | String | The start time of this activity. | [optional] |
finishTime | String | The finish time of this activity. | [optional] |
id | String | Activity id, which is unique within a MapReduce service. | [optional] |
status | ApiActivityStatus | Activity status. | [optional] |
user | String | The user who submitted this activity. | [optional] |
group | String | The user-group of this activity. | [optional] |
inputDir | String | The input data directory of the activity. An HDFS url. | [optional] |
outputDir | String | The output result directory of the activity. An HDFS url. | [optional] |
mapper | String | The mapper class. | [optional] |
combiner | String | The combiner class. | [optional] |
reducer | String | The reducer class. | [optional] |
queueName | String | The scheduler queue this activity is in. | [optional] |
schedulerPriority | String | The scheduler priority of this activity. | [optional] |