

Name Type Description Notes
newOozieServerHostIds List<String> IDs of the hosts on which new Oozie Servers will be added. [optional]
newOozieServerRoleNames List<String> Names of the new Oozie Servers. This is an optional argument, but if provided, it should match the length of host IDs provided. [optional]
zkServiceName String Name of the ZooKeeper service that will be used for Oozie HA. This is an optional parameter if the Oozie to ZooKeeper dependency is already set in CM. [optional]
loadBalancerHostname String Hostname of the load balancer used for Oozie HA. Optional if load balancer host and ports are already set in CM. [optional]
loadBalancerPort BigDecimal HTTP port of the load balancer used for Oozie HA. Optional if load balancer host and ports are already set in CM. [optional]
loadBalancerSslPort BigDecimal HTTPS port of the load balancer used for Oozie HA when SSL is enabled. This port is only used for oozie.base.url -- the callback is always on HTTP. Optional if load balancer host and ports are already set in CM. [optional]
loadBalancerHostPort String Address of the load balancer used for Oozie HA. This is an optional parameter if this config is already set in CM. [optional]