

Name Type Description Notes
progress float The file copy progress percentage. [optional]
throughput float The data throughput in KB/s. [optional]
remaining_time float The time remaining for mapper phase (seconds). [optional]
estimated_completion_time str The estimated completion time for the mapper phase. [optional]
counters list[ApiHdfsReplicationCounter] The counters collected from the replication job. <p/> Starting with API v4, the full list of counters is only available in the full view. [optional]
num_files_dry_run float The number of files found to copy. [optional]
num_bytes_dry_run float The number of bytes found to copy. [optional]
num_files_expected float The number of files expected to be copied. [optional]
num_bytes_expected float The number of bytes expected to be copied. [optional]
num_files_copied float The number of files actually copied. [optional]
num_bytes_copied float The number of bytes actually copied. [optional]
num_files_skipped float The number of files that were unchanged and thus skipped during copying. [optional]
num_bytes_skipped float The aggregate number of bytes in the skipped files. [optional]
num_files_deleted float The number of files deleted since they were present at destination, but missing from source. [optional]
num_files_copy_failed float The number of files for which copy failed. [optional]
num_bytes_copy_failed float The aggregate number of bytes in the files for which copy failed. [optional]
setup_error str The error that happened during job setup, if any. [optional]
job_id str Read-only. The MapReduce job ID for the replication job. Available since API v4. <p/> This can be used to query information about the replication job from the MapReduce server where it was executed. Refer to the &quot;/activities&quot; resource for services for further details. [optional]
job_details_uri str Read-only. The URI (relative to the CM server's root) where to find the Activity Monitor page for the job. Available since API v4. [optional]
dry_run bool Whether this was a dry run. [optional]
snapshotted_dirs list[str] The list of directories for which snapshots were taken and used as part of this replication. [optional]
run_as_user str Returns run-as user name. Available since API v11. [optional]
run_on_source_as_user str Returns run-as user name for source cluster. Available since API v18. [optional]
log_path str Returns HDFS path of DistCp execution log files. Available since API v33. [optional]
failed_files list[str] The list of files that failed during replication. Available since API v11. [optional]

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