

Name Type Description Notes
query_id str The query id. [optional]
statement str The SQL statement for the query. [optional]
query_type str The query type. The possible values are: DML, DDL, QUERY and UNKNOWN. See the Impala documentation for more details. [optional]
query_state str The query state. The possible values are: CREATED, INITIALIZED, COMPILED, RUNNING, FINISHED, EXCEPTION, and UNKNOWN. See the Impala documentation for more details. [optional]
start_time str The time the query was issued. [optional]
end_time str The time the query finished. If the query hasn't finished then this will return null. [optional]
rows_produced float The number of rows produced by the query. If the query hasn't completed this will return null. [optional]
attributes dict(str, str) A map of additional query attributes which is generated by Cloudera Manager. [optional]
user str The user who issued this query. [optional]
coordinator ApiHostRef The host of the Impala Daemon coordinating the query [optional]
details_available bool Whether we have a detailed runtime profile available for the query. This profile is available at the endpoint /queries/{QUERY_ID}. [optional]
database str The database on which this query was issued. [optional]
duration_millis float The duration of the query in milliseconds. If the query hasn't completed then this will return null. [optional]

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