Building the API client library requires Maven to be installed.
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
mvn deploy
Refer to the official documentation for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
compile "com.cloudera.api.swagger:cloudera-manager-api-swagger:7.1.4"
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn package
Then manually install the following JARs:
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.*;
import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.auth.*;
import com.cloudera.api.swagger.model.*;
import com.cloudera.api.swagger.ActivitiesResourceApi;
import java.util.*;
public class ActivitiesResourceApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
HttpBasicAuth basic = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basic");
basic.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basic.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
ActivitiesResourceApi apiInstance = new ActivitiesResourceApi();
String activityId = "activityId_example"; // String | The name of the activity.
String clusterName = "clusterName_example"; // String | The name of the cluster.
String serviceName = "serviceName_example"; // String | The name of the service.
String from = "from_example"; // String | Start of the period to query.
List<String> metrics = Arrays.asList("metrics_example"); // List<String> | Filter for which metrics to query.
String to = "now"; // String | End of the period to query.
String view = "summary"; // String | The view of the data to materialize, either \"summary\" or \"full\".
try {
ApiMetricList result = apiInstance.getMetrics(activityId, clusterName, serviceName, from, metrics, to, view);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ActivitiesResourceApi#getMetrics");
All URIs are relative to https://localhost/api/v42
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActivitiesResourceApi | getMetrics | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/activities/{activityId}/metrics | Fetch metric readings for a particular activity. |
ActivitiesResourceApi | readActivities | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/activities | Read all activities in the system. |
ActivitiesResourceApi | readActivity | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/activities/{activityId} | Returns a specific activity in the system. |
ActivitiesResourceApi | readChildActivities | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/activities/{activityId}/children | Returns the child activities. |
ActivitiesResourceApi | readSimilarActivities | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/activities/{activityId}/similar | Returns a list of similar activities. |
AllHostsResourceApi | readConfig | GET /cm/allHosts/config | Retrieve the default configuration for all hosts. |
AllHostsResourceApi | updateConfig | PUT /cm/allHosts/config | Update the default configuration values for all hosts. |
AuditsResourceApi | readAudits | GET /audits | Fetch audit events from Cloudera Manager (CM) and CM managed services like HDFS, HBase, Impala, Hive, and Sentry. |
AuditsResourceApi | streamAudits | GET /audits/stream | |
AuthRoleMetadatasResourceApi | readAuthRolesMetadata | GET /authRoleMetadatas | Returns a list of the auth roles' metadata for the built-in roles. |
AuthRolesResourceApi | createAuthRoles | POST /authRoles | Creates a list of auth roles. |
AuthRolesResourceApi | deleteAuthRole | DELETE /authRoles/{uuid} | Deletes an auth role from the system. |
AuthRolesResourceApi | readAuthRole | GET /authRoles/{uuid} | Returns detailed information about an auth role. |
AuthRolesResourceApi | readAuthRoles | GET /authRoles | Returns a list of the auth roles configured in the system. |
AuthRolesResourceApi | readAuthRolesMetadata | GET /authRoles/metadata | Returns a list of the auth roles' metadata for the built-in roles. |
AuthRolesResourceApi | updateAuthRole | PUT /authRoles/{uuid} | Updates the given auth role's information. |
AuthServiceResourceApi | autoAssignRoles | PUT /cm/authService/autoAssignRoles | Automatically assign roles to hosts and create the roles for the Authentication Service. |
AuthServiceResourceApi | autoConfigure | PUT /cm/authService/autoConfigure | Automatically configures roles of the Authentication Service. |
AuthServiceResourceApi | delete | DELETE /cm/authService | Delete the Authentication Service. |
AuthServiceResourceApi | enterMaintenanceMode | POST /cm/authService/commands/enterMaintenanceMode | Put the Authentication Service into maintenance mode. |
AuthServiceResourceApi | exitMaintenanceMode | POST /cm/authService/commands/exitMaintenanceMode | Take the Authentication Service out of maintenance mode. |
AuthServiceResourceApi | listActiveCommands | GET /cm/authService/commands | List active Authentication Service commands. |
AuthServiceResourceApi | listRoleTypes | GET /cm/authService/roleTypes | List the supported role types for the Authentication Service. |
AuthServiceResourceApi | readService | GET /cm/authService | Retrieve information about the Authentication Services. |
AuthServiceResourceApi | readServiceConfig | GET /cm/authService/config | |
AuthServiceResourceApi | restartCommand | POST /cm/authService/commands/restart | Restart the Authentication Service. |
AuthServiceResourceApi | setup | PUT /cm/authService | Setup the Authentication Service. |
AuthServiceResourceApi | startCommand | POST /cm/authService/commands/start | Start the Authentication Service. |
AuthServiceResourceApi | stopCommand | POST /cm/authService/commands/stop | Stop the Authentication Service. |
AuthServiceResourceApi | updateServiceConfig | PUT /cm/authService/config | |
AuthServiceRoleCommandsResourceApi | restartCommand | POST /cm/authService/roleCommands/restart | Restart a set of Authentication Service roles. |
AuthServiceRoleCommandsResourceApi | startCommand | POST /cm/authService/roleCommands/start | Start a set of Authentication Service roles. |
AuthServiceRoleCommandsResourceApi | stopCommand | POST /cm/authService/roleCommands/stop | Stop a set of Authentication Service roles. |
AuthServiceRoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | readConfig | GET /cm/authService/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName}/config | Returns the current revision of the config for the specified role config group in the Authentication Service. |
AuthServiceRoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | readRoleConfigGroup | GET /cm/authService/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName} | Returns the information for a given role config group in the Authentication Service. |
AuthServiceRoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | readRoleConfigGroups | GET /cm/authService/roleConfigGroups | Returns the information for all role config groups in the Authentication Service. |
AuthServiceRoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | readRoles | GET /cm/authService/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName}/roles | Returns all roles in the given role config group in the Authentication Service. |
AuthServiceRoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | updateConfig | PUT /cm/authService/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName}/config | Updates the config for the given role config group in the Authentication Service. |
AuthServiceRoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | updateRoleConfigGroup | PUT /cm/authService/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName} | Updates an existing role config group in the Authentication Service. |
AuthServiceRolesResourceApi | createRoles | POST /cm/authService/roles | Create new roles in the Authentication Services. |
AuthServiceRolesResourceApi | deleteRole | DELETE /cm/authService/roles/{roleName} | Delete a role from the Authentication Services. |
AuthServiceRolesResourceApi | enterMaintenanceMode | POST /cm/authService/roles/{roleName}/commands/enterMaintenanceMode | Put the Authentication Service role into maintenance mode. |
AuthServiceRolesResourceApi | exitMaintenanceMode | POST /cm/authService/roles/{roleName}/commands/exitMaintenanceMode | Take the Authentication Service role out of maintenance mode. |
AuthServiceRolesResourceApi | getFullLog | GET /cm/authService/roles/{roleName}/logs/full | Retrieves the log file for the role's main process. |
AuthServiceRolesResourceApi | getStacksLog | GET /cm/authService/roles/{roleName}/logs/stacks | Retrieves the stacks log file, if any, for the role's main process. |
AuthServiceRolesResourceApi | getStacksLogsBundle | GET /cm/authService/roles/{roleName}/logs/stacksBundle | Download a zip-compressed archive of role stacks logs. |
AuthServiceRolesResourceApi | getStandardError | GET /cm/authService/roles/{roleName}/logs/stderr | Retrieves the role's standard error output. |
AuthServiceRolesResourceApi | getStandardOutput | GET /cm/authService/roles/{roleName}/logs/stdout | Retrieves the role's standard output. |
AuthServiceRolesResourceApi | listActiveCommands | GET /cm/authService/roles/{roleName}/commands | List active role commands. |
AuthServiceRolesResourceApi | readRole | GET /cm/authService/roles/{roleName} | Retrieve detailed information about a Authentication Services role. |
AuthServiceRolesResourceApi | readRoleConfig | GET /cm/authService/roles/{roleName}/config | Retrieve the configuration of a specific Authentication Services role. |
AuthServiceRolesResourceApi | readRoles | GET /cm/authService/roles | List all roles of the Authentication Services. |
AuthServiceRolesResourceApi | updateRoleConfig | PUT /cm/authService/roles/{roleName}/config | Update the configuration of a Authentication Services role. |
BatchResourceApi | execute | POST /batch | Executes a batch of API requests in one database transaction. |
CdpResourceApi | getRemoteContext | GET /cdp/remoteContext/byContext/{dataContextName} | Get a JSON for creating a remote data context in a Workload cluster. |
CdpResourceApi | getRemoteContextByCluster | GET /cdp/remoteContext/byCluster/{clusterName} | Get a JSON for creating a remote data context in a Workload cluster. |
CdpResourceApi | postRemoteContext | POST /cdp/remoteContext | Create or update the remote data context in the Workload cluster. |
CertManagerResourceApi | generateCertificate | POST /certs/generateCertificate | Exchange a cert request token for a certificate. |
CertManagerResourceApi | getTruststore | GET /certs/truststore | Gets the Auto-TLS truststore contents. |
CertManagerResourceApi | getTruststorePassword | GET /certs/truststorePassword | Gets the configured CM truststore password. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | addCustomCerts | POST /cm/commands/addCustomCerts | Add custom certificates to the Auto-TLS certificate database. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | beginTrial | POST /cm/trial/begin | Begin trial license. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | clustersPerfInspectorCommand | POST /cm/commands/clustersPerfInspector | Run performance diagnostics test against specified clusters in ApiClustersPerfInspectorArgs User must be Full Administrator or Global Cluster Administrator. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | collectDiagnosticDataCommand | POST /cm/commands/collectDiagnosticData | Collect diagnostic data from hosts managed by Cloudera Manager. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | deleteCredentialsCommand | POST /cm/commands/deleteCredentials | Delete existing Kerberos credentials. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | endTrial | POST /cm/trial/end | End trial license. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | generateCmca | POST /cm/commands/generateCmca | Generate a CMCA. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | generateCredentialsAdhoc | POST /cm/commands/generateCredentialsAdhoc | Generate missing Kerberos credentials, optionally accepting a list of ad-hoc credentials to generate as well. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | generateCredentialsCommand | POST /cm/commands/generateCredentials | Generate missing Kerberos credentials. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | getConfig | GET /cm/config | Retrieve the Cloudera Manager settings. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | getDeployment2 | GET /cm/deployment | Retrieve full description of the entire Cloudera Manager deployment including all hosts, clusters, services, roles, users, settings, etc. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | getKerberosInfo | GET /cm/kerberosInfo | Provides Cloudera Manager Kerberos information. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | getKerberosPrincipals | GET /cm/kerberosPrincipals | Returns the Kerberos principals needed by the services being managed by Cloudera Manager. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | getKrb5Conf | GET /cm/krb5conf | Retrieves krb5. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | getLicensedFeatureUsage | GET /cm/licensedFeatureUsage | Retrieve a summary of licensed feature usage. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | getLog | GET /cm/log | Returns the entire contents of the Cloudera Manager log file. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | getScmDbInfo | GET /cm/scmDbInfo | Provides Cloudera Manager server's database information. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | getShutdownReadiness | GET /cm/shutdownReadiness | Retrieve Cloudera Manager's readiness for shutdown and destroy. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | getVersion | GET /cm/version | Provides version information of Cloudera Manager itself. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | hostInstallCommand | POST /cm/commands/hostInstall | Perform installation on a set of hosts. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | hostsDecommissionCommand | POST /cm/commands/hostsDecommission | Decommission the given hosts. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | hostsOfflineOrDecommissionCommand | POST /cm/commands/hostsOfflineOrDecommission | Decommission the given hosts. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | hostsPerfInspectorCommand | POST /cm/commands/hostsPerfInspector | Run performance diagnostics test against specified hosts in ApiHostsPerfInspectorArgs User must be Full Administrator or Global Cluster Administrator. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | hostsRecommissionAndExitMaintenanceModeCommand | POST /cm/commands/hostsRecommissionAndExitMaintenanceMode | Recommission and exit maintenance on the given hosts. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | hostsRecommissionCommand | POST /cm/commands/hostsRecommission | Recommission the given hosts. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | hostsRecommissionWithStartCommand | POST /cm/commands/hostsRecommissionWithStart | Recommission the given hosts. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | hostsStartRolesCommand | POST /cm/commands/hostsStartRoles | Start all the roles on the given hosts. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | importAdminCredentials | POST /cm/commands/importAdminCredentials | Imports the KDC Account Manager credentials needed by Cloudera Manager to create kerberos principals needed by CDH services. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | importClusterTemplate | POST /cm/importClusterTemplate | Create cluster as per the given cluster template. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | importKerberosPrincipal | POST /cm/commands/importKerberosPrincipal | Imports the Kerberos credentials for the specified principal which can then be used to add to a role's keytab by running Generate Credentials command. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | inspectHostsCommand | POST /cm/commands/inspectHosts | Runs the host inspector on the configured hosts. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | listActiveCommands | GET /cm/commands | List active global commands. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | migrateCmcaToDb | POST /cm/commands/migrateCmcaToDb | Migrate CMCA to the DB. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | readInstance | GET /cm/instances/{cmServerId} | Retrieves the CM server information. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | readInstances | GET /cm/instances | Retrieves all CM server information. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | readLicense | GET /cm/license | Retrieve information about the Cloudera Manager license. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | refreshParcelRepos | POST /cm/commands/refreshParcelRepos | . |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | retrieveKeytab | POST /cm/retrieveKeytab | Retrieves a keytab for a list of principals. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | updateConfig | PUT /cm/config | Update the Cloudera Manager settings. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | updateDeployment2 | PUT /cm/deployment | Apply the supplied deployment description to the system. |
ClouderaManagerResourceApi | updateLicense | POST /cm/license | Updates the Cloudera Manager license. |
ClustersResourceApi | addHosts | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/hosts | |
ClustersResourceApi | addTags | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/tags | Attach tags to the cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | autoAssignRoles | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/autoAssignRoles | Automatically assign roles to hosts and create the roles for all the services in a cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | autoConfigure | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/autoConfigure | Automatically configures roles and services in a cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | configureAutoTlsServicesCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/configureAutoTlsServices | Configures all services in a cluster to use Auto-TLS. |
ClustersResourceApi | configureForKerberos | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/configureForKerberos | Command to configure the cluster to use Kerberos for authentication. |
ClustersResourceApi | createClusters | POST /clusters | Creates a collection of clusters. |
ClustersResourceApi | deleteCluster | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName} | Deletes a cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | deleteClusterCredentialsCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/deleteCredentials | Delete existing Kerberos credentials for the cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | deleteTags | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName}/tags | Remove the tags associated with the cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | deployClientConfig | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/deployClientConfig | Deploy the cluster-wide client configuration. |
ClustersResourceApi | deployClientConfigsAndRefresh | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/deployClientConfigsAndRefresh | Performs a command with the 2 steps - deploy cc - cluster refresh This orchestration is needed for the staleness wizard, so it can invoke a single command at wizard finish. |
ClustersResourceApi | deployClusterClientConfig | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/deployClusterClientConfig | Deploy the Cluster's Kerberos client configuration. |
ClustersResourceApi | disableTls | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/disableTls | Disables TLS settings on a cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | enterMaintenanceMode | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/enterMaintenanceMode | Put the cluster into maintenance mode. |
ClustersResourceApi | exitMaintenanceMode | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/exitMaintenanceMode | Take the cluster out of maintenance mode. |
ClustersResourceApi | expireLogs | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/expireLogs | Remove backup and disaster related log files in hdfs. |
ClustersResourceApi | export | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/export | Export the cluster template for the given cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | firstRun | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/firstRun | Prepare and start services in a cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | getClientConfig | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/clientConfig | Download a zip-compressed archive of the client configuration, of a specific cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | getKerberosInfo | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/kerberosInfo | Provides Cluster Kerberos information. |
ClustersResourceApi | getOzoneS3GatewayInfo | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/getOzoneS3GatewayInfo | Returns the REST url for the Ozone S3 Gateway, as well as the AWS credentials needed to access the S3 endpoint. |
ClustersResourceApi | getUtilizationReport | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/utilization | Provides the resource utilization of the entire cluster as well as the resource utilization per tenant. |
ClustersResourceApi | inspectHostsCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/inspectHosts | Runs the host inspector on the configured hosts in the specified cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | isTlsEnabled | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/isTlsEnabled | Returns whether a cluster has any TLS settings enabled. |
ClustersResourceApi | listActiveCommands | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/commands | List active cluster commands. |
ClustersResourceApi | listDfsServices | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/dfsServices | List the services that can provide distributed file system (DFS) capabilities in this cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | listHosts | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/hosts | Returns the hosts associated with the cluster filtered by optional host configuration parameter, if specified. |
ClustersResourceApi | listServiceTypes | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/serviceTypes | List the supported service types for a cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | listUpgradeDomains | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/upgradeDomains | Returns the Upgrade Domains associated with the cluster and the host names that belong to each Upgrade Domain. |
ClustersResourceApi | perfInspectorCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/perfInspector | Run cluster performance diagnostics test. |
ClustersResourceApi | poolsRefresh | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/poolsRefresh | Updates all refreshable configuration files for services with Dynamic Resource Pools. |
ClustersResourceApi | preUpgradeCheckCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/preUpgradeCheck | Run cluster pre-upgrade check(s) when upgrading from specified version of CDH to the other. |
ClustersResourceApi | readCluster | GET /clusters/{clusterName} | Reads information about a cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | readClusters | GET /clusters | List all known clusters. |
ClustersResourceApi | readTags | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/tags | Returns the tags associated with this cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | refresh | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/refresh | Updates all refreshable configuration files in the cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | removeAllHosts | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName}/hosts | |
ClustersResourceApi | removeHost | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName}/hosts/{hostId} | |
ClustersResourceApi | restartCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/restart | Restart all services in the cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | rollingRestart | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/rollingRestart | Command to do a "best-effort" rolling restart of the given cluster, i. |
ClustersResourceApi | rollingUpgrade | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/rollingUpgrade | Command to do a rolling upgrade of specific services in the given cluster This command does not handle any services that don't support rolling upgrades. |
ClustersResourceApi | startCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/start | Start all services in the cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | stopCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/stop | Stop all services in the cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | updateCluster | PUT /clusters/{clusterName} | Update an existing cluster. |
ClustersResourceApi | upgradeCdhCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/upgradeCdh | Perform CDH upgrade to the specified version. |
ClustersResourceApi | upgradeServicesCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/commands/upgradeServices | Upgrades the services in the cluster to the CDH5 version. |
CmPeersResourceApi | createPeer | POST /cm/peers | Create a new Cloudera Manager peer. |
CmPeersResourceApi | deletePeer | DELETE /cm/peers/{peerName} | Delete Cloudera Manager peer. |
CmPeersResourceApi | listPeers | GET /cm/peers | Retrieves all configured Cloudera Manager peers. |
CmPeersResourceApi | readPeer | GET /cm/peers/{peerName} | Fetch information about an existing Cloudera Manager peer. |
CmPeersResourceApi | testPeer | POST /cm/peers/{peerName}/commands/test | Test the connectivity of a peer. |
CmPeersResourceApi | updatePeer | PUT /cm/peers/{peerName} | Update information for a Cloudera Manager peer. |
CommandsResourceApi | abortCommand | POST /commands/{commandId}/abort | Abort a running command. |
CommandsResourceApi | getStandardError | GET /commands/{commandId}/logs/stderr | Download a zip-compressed archive of standard error outputs for the command's one-off processes. |
CommandsResourceApi | getStandardOutput | GET /commands/{commandId}/logs/stdout | Download a zip-compressed archive of standard outputs for the command's one-off processes. |
CommandsResourceApi | readCommand | GET /commands/{commandId} | Retrieve detailed information on an asynchronous command. |
CommandsResourceApi | retry | POST /commands/{commandId}/retry | Try to rerun a command. |
ControlPlanesResourceApi | generateCopyDocker | POST /controlPlanes/commands/generateCopyDocker | Launches the Generate Copy Docker Script Command. |
ControlPlanesResourceApi | generateExternalVaultSetup | POST /controlPlanes/commands/generateExternalVaultSetup | Launches the Generate Vault Setup Command command. |
ControlPlanesResourceApi | getControlPlanes | GET /controlPlanes | Current Control Planes. |
ControlPlanesResourceApi | getLogContent | POST /controlPlanes/fetchResources/{commandId}/logContent | Fetches the log content for the specific command. |
ControlPlanesResourceApi | getManifestJson | POST /controlPlanes/fetchResources/manifest.json | Fetches the manifest. |
ControlPlanesResourceApi | installControlPlane | POST /controlPlanes/commands/installControlPlane | Launches the install control plane command. |
ControlPlanesResourceApi | readControlPlaneByUuid | GET /controlPlanes/{controlPlaneUuid} | The control plane with the given id. |
ControlPlanesResourceApi | uninstallControlPlane | POST /controlPlanes/{controlPlaneUuid}/commands/uninstallControlPlane | Launches Uninstall Command on the control plane with the given uuid. |
ControlPlanesResourceApi | updateValuesYaml | POST /controlPlanes/{controlPlaneUuid}/commands/updateControlPlaneValuesYaml | Launches update the values. |
ControlPlanesResourceApi | upgradeControlPlane | POST /controlPlanes/{controlPlaneUuid}/commands/upgradeControlPlane | Launches the Upgrade Command on the control plane with the given uuid. |
DashboardsResourceApi | createDashboards | POST /timeseries/dashboards | Creates the list of dashboards. |
DashboardsResourceApi | deleteDashboard | DELETE /timeseries/dashboards/{dashboardName} | Deletes a dashboard. |
DashboardsResourceApi | getDashboard | GET /timeseries/dashboards/{dashboardName} | Returns a dashboard definition for the specified name. |
DashboardsResourceApi | getDashboards | GET /timeseries/dashboards | Returns the list of all user-customized dashboards. |
DataContextsResourceApi | createDataContext | POST /dataContexts | Create a datacontext. |
DataContextsResourceApi | deleteDataContext | DELETE /dataContexts/{dataContextName} | Delete a datacontext. |
DataContextsResourceApi | readDataContext | GET /dataContexts/{dataContextName} | Reads information about a datacontext. |
DataContextsResourceApi | readDataContexts | GET /dataContexts | Get all the datacontexts. |
EventsResourceApi | readEvent | GET /events/{eventId} | Returns a specific event in the system. |
EventsResourceApi | readEvents | GET /events | Allows you to query events in the system. |
ExternalAccountsResourceApi | createAccount | POST /externalAccounts/create | Create a new external account. |
ExternalAccountsResourceApi | deleteAccount | DELETE /externalAccounts/delete/{name} | Delete an external account, specifying its name. |
ExternalAccountsResourceApi | externalAccountCommandByName | POST /externalAccounts/account/{name}/commands/{commandName} | Executes a command on the external account specified by name. |
ExternalAccountsResourceApi | getSupportedCategories | GET /externalAccounts/supportedCategories | List of external account categories supported by this Cloudera Manager. |
ExternalAccountsResourceApi | getSupportedTypes | GET /externalAccounts/supportedTypes/{categoryName} | List of external account types supported by this Cloudera Manager by category. |
ExternalAccountsResourceApi | listExternalAccountCommands | GET /externalAccounts/typeInfo/{typeName}/commandsByName | Lists all the commands that can be executed by name on the provided external account type. |
ExternalAccountsResourceApi | readAccount | GET /externalAccounts/account/{name} | Get a single external account by account name. |
ExternalAccountsResourceApi | readAccountByDisplayName | GET /externalAccounts/accountByDisplayName/{displayName} | Get a single external account by display name. |
ExternalAccountsResourceApi | readAccounts | GET /externalAccounts/type/{typeName} | Get a list of external accounts for a specific account type. |
ExternalAccountsResourceApi | readConfig | GET /externalAccounts/account/{name}/config | Get configs of external account for the given account name. |
ExternalAccountsResourceApi | updateAccount | PUT /externalAccounts/update | Update an external account. |
ExternalAccountsResourceApi | updateConfig | PUT /externalAccounts/account/{name}/config | Upadate configs of external account for the given account name. |
ExternalUserMappingsResourceApi | createExternalUserMappings | POST /externalUserMappings | Creates a list of external user mappings. |
ExternalUserMappingsResourceApi | deleteExternalUserMapping | DELETE /externalUserMappings/{uuid} | Deletes an external user mapping from the system. |
ExternalUserMappingsResourceApi | readExternalUserMapping | GET /externalUserMappings/{uuid} | Returns detailed information about an external user mapping. |
ExternalUserMappingsResourceApi | readExternalUserMappings | GET /externalUserMappings | Returns a list of the external user mappings configured in the system. |
ExternalUserMappingsResourceApi | updateExternalUserMapping | PUT /externalUserMappings/{uuid} | Updates the given external user mapping's information. |
HostTemplatesResourceApi | applyHostTemplate | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/hostTemplates/{hostTemplateName}/commands/applyHostTemplate | Applies a host template to a collection of hosts. |
HostTemplatesResourceApi | createHostTemplates | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/hostTemplates | Creates new host templates. |
HostTemplatesResourceApi | deleteHostTemplate | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName}/hostTemplates/{hostTemplateName} | Deletes a host template. |
HostTemplatesResourceApi | readHostTemplate | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/hostTemplates/{hostTemplateName} | Retrieves information about a host template. |
HostTemplatesResourceApi | readHostTemplates | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/hostTemplates | Lists all host templates in a cluster. |
HostTemplatesResourceApi | updateHostTemplate | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/hostTemplates/{hostTemplateName} | Updates an existing host template. |
HostsResourceApi | addTags | PUT /hosts/{hostname}/tags | Attach tags to the host. |
HostsResourceApi | createHosts | POST /hosts | . |
HostsResourceApi | deleteAllHosts | DELETE /hosts | Delete all hosts in the system. |
HostsResourceApi | deleteHost | DELETE /hosts/{hostId} | Delete a host from the system. |
HostsResourceApi | deleteTags | DELETE /hosts/{hostname}/tags | Remove the tags associated with the host. |
HostsResourceApi | enterMaintenanceMode | POST /hosts/{hostId}/commands/enterMaintenanceMode | Put the host into maintenance mode. |
HostsResourceApi | exitMaintenanceMode | POST /hosts/{hostId}/commands/exitMaintenanceMode | Take the host out of maintenance mode. |
HostsResourceApi | generateHostCerts | POST /hosts/{hostId}/commands/generateHostCerts | Generates (or regenerates) a key and certificate for this host if Auto-TLS is enabled. |
HostsResourceApi | getMetrics | GET /hosts/{hostId}/metrics | Fetch metric readings for a host. |
HostsResourceApi | migrateRoles | POST /hosts/{hostId}/commands/migrateRoles | Migrate roles to a different host. |
HostsResourceApi | readHost | GET /hosts/{hostId} | Returns a specific Host in the system. |
HostsResourceApi | readHostConfig | GET /hosts/{hostId}/config | Retrieves the configuration of a specific host. |
HostsResourceApi | readHosts | GET /hosts | Returns hosts in the system filtered by optional host configuration parameters, if specified. |
HostsResourceApi | readTags | GET /hosts/{hostname}/tags | Returns the tags associated with this host. |
HostsResourceApi | resetHostId | POST /hosts/{hostId}/commands/resetHostId | Forces agent on specified host to switch to reporting a different host id. |
HostsResourceApi | updateHost | PUT /hosts/{hostId} | . |
HostsResourceApi | updateHostConfig | PUT /hosts/{hostId}/config | Updates the host configuration with the given values. |
ImpalaQueriesResourceApi | cancelImpalaQuery | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/impalaQueries/{queryId}/cancel | Cancels an Impala Query. |
ImpalaQueriesResourceApi | getImpalaQueries | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/impalaQueries | Returns a list of queries that satisfy the filter. |
ImpalaQueriesResourceApi | getImpalaQueryAttributes | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/impalaQueries/attributes | Returns the list of all attributes that the Service Monitor can associate with Impala queries. |
ImpalaQueriesResourceApi | getQueryDetails | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/impalaQueries/{queryId} | Returns details about the query. |
MgmtRoleCommandsResourceApi | jmapDump | POST /cm/service/roleCommands/jmapDump | Run the jmapDump diagnostic command. |
MgmtRoleCommandsResourceApi | jmapHisto | POST /cm/service/roleCommands/jmapHisto | Run the jmapHisto diagnostic command. |
MgmtRoleCommandsResourceApi | jstack | POST /cm/service/roleCommands/jstack | Run the jstack diagnostic command. |
MgmtRoleCommandsResourceApi | lsof | POST /cm/service/roleCommands/lsof | Run the lsof diagnostic command. |
MgmtRoleCommandsResourceApi | restartCommand | POST /cm/service/roleCommands/restart | Restart a set of Cloudera Management Services roles. |
MgmtRoleCommandsResourceApi | startCommand | POST /cm/service/roleCommands/start | Start a set of Cloudera Management Services roles. |
MgmtRoleCommandsResourceApi | stopCommand | POST /cm/service/roleCommands/stop | Stop a set of Cloudera Management Services roles. |
MgmtRoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | readConfig | GET /cm/service/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName}/config | Returns the current revision of the config for the specified role config group in the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtRoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | readRoleConfigGroup | GET /cm/service/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName} | Returns the information for a given role config group in the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtRoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | readRoleConfigGroups | GET /cm/service/roleConfigGroups | Returns the information for all role config groups in the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtRoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | readRoles | GET /cm/service/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName}/roles | Returns all roles in the given role config group in the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtRoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | updateConfig | PUT /cm/service/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName}/config | Updates the config for the given role config group in the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtRoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | updateRoleConfigGroup | PUT /cm/service/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName} | Updates an existing role config group in the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtRolesResourceApi | createRoles | POST /cm/service/roles | Create new roles in the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtRolesResourceApi | deleteRole | DELETE /cm/service/roles/{roleName} | Delete a role from the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtRolesResourceApi | enterMaintenanceMode | POST /cm/service/roles/{roleName}/commands/enterMaintenanceMode | Put the Cloudera Management Service role into maintenance mode. |
MgmtRolesResourceApi | exitMaintenanceMode | POST /cm/service/roles/{roleName}/commands/exitMaintenanceMode | Take the Cloudera Management Service role out of maintenance mode. |
MgmtRolesResourceApi | getFullLog | GET /cm/service/roles/{roleName}/logs/full | Retrieves the log file for the role's main process. |
MgmtRolesResourceApi | getStacksLog | GET /cm/service/roles/{roleName}/logs/stacks | Retrieves the stacks log file, if any, for the role's main process. |
MgmtRolesResourceApi | getStacksLogsBundle | GET /cm/service/roles/{roleName}/logs/stacksBundle | Download a zip-compressed archive of role stacks logs. |
MgmtRolesResourceApi | getStandardError | GET /cm/service/roles/{roleName}/logs/stderr | Retrieves the role's standard error output. |
MgmtRolesResourceApi | getStandardOutput | GET /cm/service/roles/{roleName}/logs/stdout | Retrieves the role's standard output. |
MgmtRolesResourceApi | listActiveCommands | GET /cm/service/roles/{roleName}/commands | List active role commands. |
MgmtRolesResourceApi | readRole | GET /cm/service/roles/{roleName} | Retrieve detailed information about a Cloudera Management Services role. |
MgmtRolesResourceApi | readRoleConfig | GET /cm/service/roles/{roleName}/config | Retrieve the configuration of a specific Cloudera Management Services role. |
MgmtRolesResourceApi | readRoles | GET /cm/service/roles | List all roles of the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtRolesResourceApi | updateRoleConfig | PUT /cm/service/roles/{roleName}/config | Update the configuration of a Cloudera Management Services role. |
MgmtServiceResourceApi | autoAssignRoles | PUT /cm/service/autoAssignRoles | Automatically assign roles to hosts and create the roles for the Cloudera Management Service. |
MgmtServiceResourceApi | autoConfigure | PUT /cm/service/autoConfigure | Automatically configures roles of the Cloudera Management Service. |
MgmtServiceResourceApi | deleteCMS | DELETE /cm/service | Delete the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtServiceResourceApi | enterMaintenanceMode | POST /cm/service/commands/enterMaintenanceMode | Put Cloudera Management Service into maintenance mode. |
MgmtServiceResourceApi | exitMaintenanceMode | POST /cm/service/commands/exitMaintenanceMode | Take Cloudera Management Service out of maintenance mode. |
MgmtServiceResourceApi | listActiveCommands | GET /cm/service/commands | List active Cloudera Management Services commands. |
MgmtServiceResourceApi | listRoleTypes | GET /cm/service/roleTypes | List the supported role types for the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtServiceResourceApi | readService | GET /cm/service | Retrieve information about the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtServiceResourceApi | readServiceConfig | GET /cm/service/config | Retrieve the configuration of the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtServiceResourceApi | restartCommand | POST /cm/service/commands/restart | Restart the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtServiceResourceApi | setupCMS | PUT /cm/service | Setup the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtServiceResourceApi | startCommand | POST /cm/service/commands/start | Start the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtServiceResourceApi | stopCommand | POST /cm/service/commands/stop | Stop the Cloudera Management Services. |
MgmtServiceResourceApi | updateServiceConfig | PUT /cm/service/config | Update the Cloudera Management Services configuration. |
NameservicesResourceApi | getMetrics | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/nameservices/{nameservice}/metrics | Fetch metric readings for a particular nameservice. |
NameservicesResourceApi | listNameservices | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/nameservices | List the nameservices of an HDFS service. |
NameservicesResourceApi | readNameservice | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/nameservices/{nameservice} | Retrieve information about a nameservice. |
ParcelResourceApi | activateCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/parcels/products/{product}/versions/{version}/commands/activate | A synchronous command that activates the parcel on the cluster. |
ParcelResourceApi | cancelDistributionCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/parcels/products/{product}/versions/{version}/commands/cancelDistribution | A synchronous command that cancels the parcel distribution. |
ParcelResourceApi | cancelDownloadCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/parcels/products/{product}/versions/{version}/commands/cancelDownload | A synchronous command that cancels the parcel download. |
ParcelResourceApi | deactivateCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/parcels/products/{product}/versions/{version}/commands/deactivate | A synchronous command that deactivates the parcel on the cluster. |
ParcelResourceApi | readParcel | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/parcels/products/{product}/versions/{version} | Retrieves detailed information about a parcel. |
ParcelResourceApi | removeDownloadCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/parcels/products/{product}/versions/{version}/commands/removeDownload | A synchronous command that removes the downloaded parcel. |
ParcelResourceApi | startDistributionCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/parcels/products/{product}/versions/{version}/commands/startDistribution | A synchronous command that starts the distribution of the parcel to the cluster. |
ParcelResourceApi | startDownloadCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/parcels/products/{product}/versions/{version}/commands/startDownload | A synchronous command that starts the parcel download. |
ParcelResourceApi | startRemovalOfDistributionCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/parcels/products/{product}/versions/{version}/commands/startRemovalOfDistribution | A synchronous command that removes the distribution from the hosts in the cluster. |
ParcelsResourceApi | getParcelUsage | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/parcels/usage | Retrieve details parcel usage information for the cluster. |
ParcelsResourceApi | readParcels | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/parcels | Lists all parcels that the cluster has access to. |
ProcessResourceApi | getConfigFile | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/process/configFiles/{configFileName} | Returns the contents of the specified config file. |
ProcessResourceApi | getProcess | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/process | |
ReplicationsResourceApi | collectDiagnosticData | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/replications/{scheduleId}/collectDiagnosticData | Collect diagnostic data for a schedule, optionally for a subset of commands on that schedule, matched by schedule ID. |
ReplicationsResourceApi | createSchedules | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/replications | Creates one or more replication schedules. |
ReplicationsResourceApi | deleteAllSchedules | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/replications | Deletes all existing replication schedules. |
ReplicationsResourceApi | deleteSchedule | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/replications/{scheduleId} | Deletes an existing replication schedule. |
ReplicationsResourceApi | getReplicationState | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/replications/replicationState | returns the replication state. |
ReplicationsResourceApi | readHistory | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/replications/{scheduleId}/history | Returns a list of commands triggered by a schedule. |
ReplicationsResourceApi | readSchedule | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/replications/{scheduleId} | Returns information for a specific replication schedule. |
ReplicationsResourceApi | readSchedules | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/replications | Returns information for all replication schedules. |
ReplicationsResourceApi | rescheduleHive3ReplicationMetricsGetter | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/replications/rescheduleHive3ReplicationMetricsGetter | Set the Hive3 Replication Metrics Getter next start time. |
ReplicationsResourceApi | runCopyListing | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/replications/hdfsCopyListing | Run the hdfs copy listing command. |
ReplicationsResourceApi | runHiveReplicationQuery | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/replications/hiveReplicationQuery | Execute a hive replication query on local HS2 service instance. |
ReplicationsResourceApi | runSchedule | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/replications/{scheduleId}/run | Run the schedule immediately. |
ReplicationsResourceApi | updateSchedule | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/replications/{scheduleId} | Updates an existing replication schedule. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | formatCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/hdfsFormat | Format HDFS NameNodes. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | hdfsBootstrapStandByCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/hdfsBootstrapStandBy | Bootstrap HDFS stand-by NameNodes. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | hdfsEnterSafemode | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/hdfsEnterSafemode | Enter safemode for namenodes. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | hdfsFinalizeMetadataUpgrade | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/hdfsFinalizeMetadataUpgrade | Finalize HDFS NameNode metadata upgrade. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | hdfsInitializeAutoFailoverCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/hdfsInitializeAutoFailover | Initialize HDFS HA failover controller metadata. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | hdfsInitializeSharedDirCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/hdfsInitializeSharedDir | Initialize HDFS NameNodes' shared edit directory. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | hdfsLeaveSafemode | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/hdfsLeaveSafemode | Leave safemode for namenodes. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | hdfsSaveNamespace | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/hdfsSaveNamespace | Save namespace for namenodes. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | jmapDump | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/jmapDump | Run the jmapDump diagnostic command. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | jmapHisto | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/jmapHisto | Run the jmapHisto diagnostic command. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | jstack | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/jstack | Run the jstack diagnostic command. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | lsof | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/lsof | Run the lsof diagnostic command. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | refreshCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/refresh | Refresh a role's data. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | restartCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/restart | Restart a set of role instances. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | roleCommandByName | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/{commandName} | Execute a role command by name. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | startCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/start | Start a set of role instances. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | stopCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/stop | Stop a set of role instances. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | syncHueDbCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/hueSyncDb | Create / update the Hue database schema. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | zooKeeperCleanupCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/zooKeeperCleanup | Cleanup a list of ZooKeeper server roles. |
RoleCommandsResourceApi | zooKeeperInitCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleCommands/zooKeeperInit | Initialize a list of ZooKeeper server roles. |
RoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | createRoleConfigGroups | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleConfigGroups | Creates new role config groups. |
RoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | deleteRoleConfigGroup | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName} | Deletes a role config group. |
RoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | moveRoles | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName}/roles | Moves roles to the specified role config group. |
RoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | moveRolesToBaseGroup | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleConfigGroups/roles | Moves roles to the base role config group. |
RoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | readConfig | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName}/config | Returns the current revision of the config for the specified role config group. |
RoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | readRoleConfigGroup | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName} | Returns the information for a role config group. |
RoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | readRoleConfigGroups | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleConfigGroups | Returns the information for all role config groups for a given cluster and service. |
RoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | readRoles | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName}/roles | Returns all roles in the given role config group. |
RoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | updateConfig | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName}/config | Updates the config for the given role config group. |
RoleConfigGroupsResourceApi | updateRoleConfigGroup | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleConfigGroups/{roleConfigGroupName} | Updates an existing role config group. |
RolesResourceApi | addTags | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/tags | Attach tags to the role. |
RolesResourceApi | bulkDeleteRoles | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/bulkDelete | Bulk delete roles in a particular service by name. |
RolesResourceApi | createRoles | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles | Create new roles in a given service. |
RolesResourceApi | deleteRole | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName} | Deletes a role from a given service. |
RolesResourceApi | deleteTags | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/tags | Remove the tags associated with the role. |
RolesResourceApi | enterMaintenanceMode | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/commands/enterMaintenanceMode | Put the role into maintenance mode. |
RolesResourceApi | exitMaintenanceMode | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/commands/exitMaintenanceMode | Take the role out of maintenance mode. |
RolesResourceApi | getFullLog | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/logs/full | Retrieves the log file for the role's main process. |
RolesResourceApi | getMetrics | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/metrics | Fetch metric readings for a particular role. |
RolesResourceApi | getStacksLog | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/logs/stacks | Retrieves the stacks log file, if any, for the role's main process. |
RolesResourceApi | getStacksLogsBundle | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/logs/stacksBundle | Download a zip-compressed archive of role stacks logs. |
RolesResourceApi | getStandardError | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/logs/stderr | Retrieves the role's standard error output. |
RolesResourceApi | getStandardOutput | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/logs/stdout | Retrieves the role's standard output. |
RolesResourceApi | impalaDiagnostics | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/commands/impalaDiagnostics | Collects diagnostics data for an Impala role. |
RolesResourceApi | listActiveCommands | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/commands | List active role commands. |
RolesResourceApi | listCommands | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/commandsByName | Lists all the commands that can be executed by name on the provided role. |
RolesResourceApi | readRole | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName} | Retrieves detailed information about a role. |
RolesResourceApi | readRoleConfig | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/config | Retrieves the configuration of a specific role. |
RolesResourceApi | readRoles | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles | Lists all roles of a given service. |
RolesResourceApi | readTags | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/tags | Returns the tags associated with this role. |
RolesResourceApi | updateRoleConfig | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roles/{roleName}/config | Updates the role configuration with the given values. |
ServicesResourceApi | addTags | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/tags | Attach tags to the service. |
ServicesResourceApi | collectYarnApplicationDiagnostics | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/yarnApplicationDiagnosticsCollection | Collect the Diagnostics data for Yarn applications. |
ServicesResourceApi | createBeeswaxWarehouseCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hueCreateHiveWarehouse | Create the Beeswax role's Hive warehouse directory, on Hue services. |
ServicesResourceApi | createHBaseRootCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hbaseCreateRoot | Creates the root directory of an HBase service. |
ServicesResourceApi | createHiveUserDirCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hiveCreateHiveUserDir | Create the Hive user directory. |
ServicesResourceApi | createHiveWarehouseCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hiveCreateHiveWarehouse | Create the Hive warehouse directory, on Hive services. |
ServicesResourceApi | createHiveWarehouseExternalCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hiveCreateHiveWarehouseExternal | Create the Hive warehouse external directory for Private Cloud. |
ServicesResourceApi | createImpalaUserDirCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/impalaCreateUserDir | Create the Impala user directory. |
ServicesResourceApi | createOozieDb | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/createOozieDb | Creates the Oozie Database Schema in the configured database. |
ServicesResourceApi | createServices | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services | Creates a list of services. |
ServicesResourceApi | createSolrHdfsHomeDirCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/createSolrHdfsHomeDir | Creates the home directory of a Solr service in HDFS. |
ServicesResourceApi | createSqoopUserDirCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/createSqoopUserDir | Creates the user directory of a Sqoop service in HDFS. |
ServicesResourceApi | createYarnCmContainerUsageInputDirCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/yarnCreateCmContainerUsageInputDirCommand | Creates the HDFS directory where YARN container usage metrics are stored by NodeManagers for CM to read and aggregate into app usage metrics. |
ServicesResourceApi | createYarnJobHistoryDirCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/yarnCreateJobHistoryDirCommand | Create the Yarn job history directory. |
ServicesResourceApi | createYarnNodeManagerRemoteAppLogDirCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/yarnNodeManagerRemoteAppLogDirCommand | Create the Yarn NodeManager remote application log directory. |
ServicesResourceApi | decommissionCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/decommission | Decommission roles of a service. |
ServicesResourceApi | deleteService | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName} | Deletes a service from the system. |
ServicesResourceApi | deleteTags | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/tags | Remove the tags associated with the service. |
ServicesResourceApi | deployClientConfigCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/deployClientConfig | Deploy a service's client configuration. |
ServicesResourceApi | disableJtHaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/disableJtHa | Disable high availability (HA) for JobTracker. |
ServicesResourceApi | disableLlamaHaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/impalaDisableLlamaHa | Not Supported. |
ServicesResourceApi | disableLlamaRmCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/impalaDisableLlamaRm | Not Supported. |
ServicesResourceApi | disableOozieHaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/oozieDisableHa | Disable high availability (HA) for Oozie. |
ServicesResourceApi | disableRmHaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/disableRmHa | Disable high availability (HA) for ResourceManager. |
ServicesResourceApi | disableSentryHaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/disableSentryHa | Disable high availability (HA) for Sentry service. |
ServicesResourceApi | enableJtHaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/enableJtHa | Enable high availability (HA) for a JobTracker. |
ServicesResourceApi | enableLlamaHaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/impalaEnableLlamaHa | Not Supported. |
ServicesResourceApi | enableLlamaRmCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/impalaEnableLlamaRm | Not Supported. |
ServicesResourceApi | enableOozieHaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/oozieEnableHa | Enable high availability (HA) for Oozie service. |
ServicesResourceApi | enableRmHaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/enableRmHa | Enable high availability (HA) for a YARN ResourceManager. |
ServicesResourceApi | enableSentryHaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/enableSentryHa | Enable high availability (HA) for Sentry service. |
ServicesResourceApi | enterMaintenanceMode | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/enterMaintenanceMode | Put the service into maintenance mode. |
ServicesResourceApi | exitMaintenanceMode | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/exitMaintenanceMode | Take the service out of maintenance mode. |
ServicesResourceApi | firstRun | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/firstRun | Prepare and start a service. |
ServicesResourceApi | getClientConfig | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/clientConfig | Download a zip-compressed archive of the client configuration, of a specific service. |
ServicesResourceApi | getHdfsUsageReport | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/reports/hdfsUsageReport | Fetch the HDFS usage report. |
ServicesResourceApi | getImpalaUtilization | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/impalaUtilization | Provides the resource utilization of the Impala service as well as the resource utilization per tenant. |
ServicesResourceApi | getMetrics | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/metrics | Fetch metric readings for a particular service. |
ServicesResourceApi | getMrUsageReport | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/reports/mrUsageReport | Fetch the MR usage report. |
ServicesResourceApi | getYarnUtilization | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/yarnUtilization | Provides the resource utilization of the yarn service as well as the resource utilization per tenant. |
ServicesResourceApi | hbaseShellCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hbaseShellCommand | Execute a hbase shell command. |
ServicesResourceApi | hbaseUpgradeCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hbaseUpgrade | Upgrade HBase data in HDFS and ZooKeeper as part of upgrade from CDH4 to CDH5. |
ServicesResourceApi | hdfsCreateTmpDir | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hdfsCreateTmpDir | Creates a tmp directory on the HDFS filesystem. |
ServicesResourceApi | hdfsDisableAutoFailoverCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hdfsDisableAutoFailover | Disable auto-failover for a highly available HDFS nameservice. |
ServicesResourceApi | hdfsDisableHaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hdfsDisableHa | Disable high availability (HA) for an HDFS NameNode. |
ServicesResourceApi | hdfsDisableNnHaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hdfsDisableNnHa | Disable High Availability (HA) with Automatic Failover for an HDFS NameNode. |
ServicesResourceApi | hdfsEnableAutoFailoverCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hdfsEnableAutoFailover | Enable auto-failover for an HDFS nameservice. |
ServicesResourceApi | hdfsEnableHaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hdfsEnableHa | Enable high availability (HA) for an HDFS NameNode. |
ServicesResourceApi | hdfsEnableNnHaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hdfsEnableNnHa | Enable High Availability (HA) with Automatic Failover for an HDFS NameNode. |
ServicesResourceApi | hdfsFailoverCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hdfsFailover | Initiate a failover in an HDFS HA NameNode pair. |
ServicesResourceApi | hdfsFinalizeRollingUpgrade | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hdfsFinalizeRollingUpgrade | Finalizes the rolling upgrade for HDFS by updating the NameNode metadata permanently to the next version. |
ServicesResourceApi | hdfsRollEditsCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hdfsRollEdits | Roll the edits of an HDFS NameNode or Nameservice. |
ServicesResourceApi | hdfsUpgradeMetadataCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hdfsUpgradeMetadata | Upgrade HDFS Metadata as part of a major version upgrade. |
ServicesResourceApi | hiveCreateMetastoreDatabaseCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hiveCreateMetastoreDatabase | Create the Hive Metastore Database. |
ServicesResourceApi | hiveCreateMetastoreDatabaseTablesCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hiveCreateMetastoreDatabaseTables | Create the Hive Metastore Database tables. |
ServicesResourceApi | hiveUpdateMetastoreNamenodesCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hiveUpdateMetastoreNamenodes | Update Hive Metastore to point to a NameNode's Nameservice name instead of hostname. |
ServicesResourceApi | hiveUpgradeMetastoreCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hiveUpgradeMetastore | Upgrade Hive Metastore as part of a major version upgrade. |
ServicesResourceApi | hiveValidateMetastoreSchemaCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hiveValidateMetastoreSchema | Validate the Hive Metastore Schema. |
ServicesResourceApi | hueDumpDbCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hueDumpDb | Runs Hue's dumpdata command. |
ServicesResourceApi | hueLoadDbCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hueLoadDb | Runs Hue's loaddata command. |
ServicesResourceApi | hueSyncDbCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/hueSyncDb | Runs Hue's syncdb command. |
ServicesResourceApi | impalaCreateCatalogDatabaseCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/impalaCreateCatalogDatabase | . |
ServicesResourceApi | impalaCreateCatalogDatabaseTablesCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/impalaCreateCatalogDatabaseTables | . |
ServicesResourceApi | importMrConfigsIntoYarn | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/importMrConfigsIntoYarn | Import MapReduce configuration into Yarn, overwriting Yarn configuration. |
ServicesResourceApi | initSolrCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/initSolr | Initializes the Solr service in Zookeeper. |
ServicesResourceApi | installMrFrameworkJars | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/installMrFrameworkJars | Creates an HDFS directory to hold the MapReduce2 framework JARs (if necessary), and uploads the framework JARs to it. |
ServicesResourceApi | installOozieShareLib | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/installOozieShareLib | Creates directory for Oozie user in HDFS and installs the ShareLib in it. |
ServicesResourceApi | ksMigrateToSentry | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/migrateToSentry | Migrates the HBase Indexer policy-based permissions to Sentry, by invoking the SentryConfigToolIndexer. |
ServicesResourceApi | listActiveCommands | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands | List active service commands. |
ServicesResourceApi | listRoleTypes | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/roleTypes | List the supported role types for a service. |
ServicesResourceApi | listServiceCommands | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commandsByName | Lists all the commands that can be executed by name on the provided service. |
ServicesResourceApi | offlineCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/offline | Offline roles of a service. |
ServicesResourceApi | oozieCreateEmbeddedDatabaseCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/oozieCreateEmbeddedDatabase | Create the Oozie Server Database. |
ServicesResourceApi | oozieDumpDatabaseCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/oozieDumpDatabase | Dump the Oozie Server Database. |
ServicesResourceApi | oozieLoadDatabaseCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/oozieLoadDatabase | Load the Oozie Server Database from dump. |
ServicesResourceApi | oozieUpgradeDbCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/oozieUpgradeDb | Upgrade Oozie Database schema as part of a major version upgrade. |
ServicesResourceApi | readService | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName} | Retrieves details information about a service. |
ServicesResourceApi | readServiceConfig | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/config | Retrieves the configuration of a specific service. |
ServicesResourceApi | readServices | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services | Lists all services registered in the cluster. |
ServicesResourceApi | readTags | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/tags | Returns the tags associated with this service. |
ServicesResourceApi | recommissionCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/recommission | Recommission roles of a service. |
ServicesResourceApi | recommissionWithStartCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/recommissionWithStart | Start and recommission roles of a service. |
ServicesResourceApi | restartCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/restart | Restart the service. |
ServicesResourceApi | rollingRestart | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/rollingRestart | Command to run rolling restart of roles in a service. |
ServicesResourceApi | sentryCreateDatabaseCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/sentryCreateDatabase | Create the Sentry Server Database. |
ServicesResourceApi | sentryCreateDatabaseTablesCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/sentryCreateDatabaseTables | Create the Sentry Server Database tables. |
ServicesResourceApi | sentryUpgradeDatabaseTablesCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/sentryUpgradeDatabaseTables | Upgrade the Sentry Server Database tables. |
ServicesResourceApi | serviceCommandByName | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/{commandName} | Executes a command on the service specified by name. |
ServicesResourceApi | solrBootstrapCollectionsCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/solrBootstrapCollections | Bootstraps Solr Collections after the CDH upgrade. |
ServicesResourceApi | solrBootstrapConfigCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/solrBootstrapConfig | Bootstraps Solr config during the CDH upgrade. |
ServicesResourceApi | solrConfigBackupCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/solrConfigBackup | Backs up Solr configuration metadata before CDH upgrade. |
ServicesResourceApi | solrMigrateSentryPrivilegesCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/solrMigrateSentryPrivilegesCommand | Migrates Sentry privileges to new model compatible to support more granular permissions if Solr is configured with a Sentry service. |
ServicesResourceApi | solrReinitializeStateForUpgradeCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/solrReinitializeStateForUpgrade | Reinitializes the Solr state by clearing the Solr HDFS data directory, the Solr data directory, and the Zookeeper state. |
ServicesResourceApi | solrValidateMetadataCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/solrValidateMetadata | Validates Solr metadata and configurations. |
ServicesResourceApi | sqoopCreateDatabaseTablesCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/sqoopCreateDatabaseTables | Create the Sqoop2 Server Database tables. |
ServicesResourceApi | sqoopUpgradeDbCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/sqoopUpgradeDb | Upgrade Sqoop Database schema as part of a major version upgrade. |
ServicesResourceApi | startCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/start | Start the service. |
ServicesResourceApi | stopCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/stop | Stop the service. |
ServicesResourceApi | switchToMr2 | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/switchToMr2 | Change the cluster to use MR2 instead of MR1. |
ServicesResourceApi | updateService | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName} | Updates service information. |
ServicesResourceApi | updateServiceConfig | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/config | Updates the service configuration with the given values. |
ServicesResourceApi | yarnFormatStateStore | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/yarnFormatStateStore | Formats the state store in ZooKeeper used for Resource Manager High Availability. |
ServicesResourceApi | zooKeeperCleanupCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/zooKeeperCleanup | Clean up all running server instances of a ZooKeeper service. |
ServicesResourceApi | zooKeeperInitCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/commands/zooKeeperInit | Initializes all the server instances of a ZooKeeper service. |
SnapshotsResourceApi | createPolicies | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/snapshots/policies | Creates one or more snapshot policies. |
SnapshotsResourceApi | deletePolicy | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/snapshots/policies/{policyName} | Deletes an existing snapshot policy. |
SnapshotsResourceApi | readHistory | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/snapshots/policies/{policyName}/history | Returns a list of commands triggered by a snapshot policy. |
SnapshotsResourceApi | readPolicies | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/snapshots/policies | Returns information for all snapshot policies. |
SnapshotsResourceApi | readPolicy | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/snapshots/policies/{policyName} | Returns information for a specific snapshot policy. |
SnapshotsResourceApi | updatePolicy | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/snapshots/policies/{policyName} | Updates an existing snapshot policy. |
TagsResourceApi | getTags | GET /tags | Current CM entities and their tags. |
TagsResourceApi | readTagsByName | GET /tags/{tagName} | Get Entities given the Tag name, grouped by entity type. |
TimeSeriesResourceApi | getEntityTypeAttributes | GET /timeseries/entityTypeAttributes | Retrieve all metric entity type attributes monitored by Cloudera Manager. |
TimeSeriesResourceApi | getEntityTypes | GET /timeseries/entityTypes | Retrieve all metric entity types monitored by Cloudera Manager. |
TimeSeriesResourceApi | getMetricSchema | GET /timeseries/schema | Retrieve schema for all metrics. |
TimeSeriesResourceApi | queryTimeSeries | GET /timeseries | Retrieve time-series data from the Cloudera Manager (CM) time-series data store using a tsquery. |
TimeSeriesResourceApi | queryTimeSeries_0 | POST /timeseries | Retrieve time-series data from the Cloudera Manager (CM) time-series data store accepting HTTP POST request. |
ToolsResourceApi | echo | GET /tools/echo | Echoes the provided message back to the caller. |
ToolsResourceApi | echoError | GET /tools/echoError | Throws an error containing the given input message. |
UsersResourceApi | createUsers2 | POST /users | Creates a list of users. |
UsersResourceApi | deleteUser2 | DELETE /users/{userName} | Deletes a user from the system. |
UsersResourceApi | expireSessions | POST /users/expireSessions/{userName} | Expires the sessions associated with interactive authenticated user in Cloudera Manager. |
UsersResourceApi | getSessions | GET /users/sessions | Return a list of the sessions associated with interactive authenticated users in Cloudera Manager. |
UsersResourceApi | readUser2 | GET /users/{userName} | Returns detailed information about a user. |
UsersResourceApi | readUsers2 | GET /users | Returns a list of the user names configured in the system. |
UsersResourceApi | updateUser2 | PUT /users/{userName} | Updates the given user's information. |
WatchedDirResourceApi | addWatchedDirectory | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/watcheddir | Adds a directory to the watching list. |
WatchedDirResourceApi | listWatchedDirectories | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/watcheddir | Lists all the watched directories. |
WatchedDirResourceApi | removeWatchedDirectory | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/watcheddir/{directoryPath} | Removes a directory from the watching list. |
YarnApplicationsResourceApi | getYarnApplicationAttributes | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/yarnApplications/attributes | Returns the list of all attributes that the Service Monitor can associate with YARN applications. |
YarnApplicationsResourceApi | getYarnApplications | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/yarnApplications | Returns a list of applications that satisfy the filter. |
YarnApplicationsResourceApi | killYarnApplication | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/yarnApplications/{applicationId}/kill | Kills an YARN Application. |
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.