

Name Type Description Notes
remoteRepoUrl String The url of the remote repository where the private cloud artifacts to install are hosted [optional]
dockerRegistry String The url of the Docker Registry where images required for install will be copied to [optional]
controlPlaneUuid String Optional. The uuid of the control plane, if copying docker images for an upgrade [optional]
selectedFeatures String Optional. The name of the feature(s) in a comma separated list that container images/packages are associated with. When it is null, copy all the images. [optional]
selectedFeaturesOnly Boolean Optional. If true, then only images/packages that belong to the selected features will be processed. If false, then images/packages that don't belong to any features will also be processed in addition to the ones that belong to the selected features. This should be set to false (default) for install/upgrades. to true when copying specific images/packages associated with a specific feature.