

Name Type Description Notes
product String The name of the product, e.g. CDH, Impala [optional]
version String The version of the product, e.g. 1.1.0, 2.3.0. [optional]
stage String Returns the current stage of the parcel. <p> There are a number of stages a parcel can be in. There are two types of stages - stable and transient. A parcel is in a transient stage when it is transitioning between two stable stages. The stages are listed below with some additional information. <ul> <li><b>AVAILABLE_REMOTELY</b>: Stable stage - the parcel can be downloaded to the server.</li> <li><b>DOWNLOADING</b>: Transient stage - the parcel is in the process of being downloaded to the server.</li> <li><b>DOWNLOADED</b>: Stable stage - the parcel is downloaded and ready to be distributed or removed from the server.</li> <li><b>DISTRIBUTING</b>: Transient stage - the parcel is being sent to all the hosts in the cluster.</li> <li><b>DISTRIBUTED</b>: Stable stage - the parcel is on all the hosts in the cluster. The parcel can now be activated, or removed from all the hosts.</li> <li><b>UNDISTRIBUTING</b>: Transient stage - the parcel is being removed from all the hosts in the cluster></li> <li><b>ACTIVATING</b>: Transient stage - the parcel is being activated on the hosts in the cluster. <i>New in API v7</i></li> <li><b>ACTIVATED</b>: Steady stage - the parcel is set to active on every host in the cluster. If desired, a parcel can be deactivated from this stage.</li> </ul> [optional]
state ApiParcelState The state of the parcel. This shows the progress of state transitions and if there were any errors. [optional]
clusterRef ApiClusterRef Readonly. A reference to the enclosing cluster. [optional]
displayName String Read-only. Display name of the parcel. If set, available since v40. [optional]
description String Read-only. Description of the parcel. If set, available since v40. [optional]