

Name Type Description Notes
name str Name of the snapshot policy. [optional]
description str Description of the snapshot policy. [optional]
hourly_snapshots int Number of hourly snapshots to be retained. Defaults to 0 [optional]
daily_snapshots int Number of daily snapshots to be retained. Defaults to 0 [optional]
weekly_snapshots int Number of weekly snapshots to be retained. Defaults to 0 [optional]
monthly_snapshots int Number of monthly snapshots to be retained. Defaults to 0 [optional]
yearly_snapshots int Number of yearly snapshots to be retained. Defaults to 0 [optional]
minute_of_hour int Minute in the hour that hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly snapshots should be created. Valid values are 0 to 59. Default value is 0. [optional]
hours_for_hourly_snapshots list[int] Hours of the day that hourly snapshots should be created. Valid values are 0 to 23. If this list is null or empty, then hourly snapshots are created for every hour. [optional]
hour_of_day int Hour in the day that daily, weekly, monthly and yearly snapshots should be created. Valid values are 0 to 23. Default value is 0. [optional]
day_of_week int Day of the week that weekly snapshots should be created. Valid values are 1 to 7, 1 representing Sunday. Default value is 1. [optional]
day_of_month int Day of the month that monthly and yearly snapshots should be created. Values from 1 to 31 are allowed. Additionally 0 to -30 can be used to specify offsets from the last day of the month. Default value is 1. <p/> If this value is invalid for any month for which snapshots are required, the backend will throw an exception. [optional]
month_of_year int Month of the year that yearly snapshots should be created. Valid values are 1 to 12, 1 representing January. Default value is 1. [optional]
alert_on_start bool Whether to alert on start of snapshot creation/deletion activity. Defaults to false [optional]
alert_on_success bool Whether to alert on successful completion of snapshot creation/deletion activity. Defaults to false. [optional]
alert_on_fail bool Whether to alert on failure of snapshot creation/deletion activity. Defaults to false. [optional]
alert_on_abort bool Whether to alert on abort of snapshot creation/deletion activity. Defaults to false. [optional]
hbase_arguments ApiHBaseSnapshotPolicyArguments Arguments specific to HBase snapshot policies. [optional]
hdfs_arguments ApiHdfsSnapshotPolicyArguments Arguments specific to Hdfs snapshot policies. [optional]
last_command ApiSnapshotCommand Latest command of this policy. The command might still be active. [optional]
last_successful_command ApiSnapshotCommand Last successful command of this policy. Returns null if there has been no successful command. [optional]
paused bool Whether to pause a snapshot policy, available since V11. [optional]

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