

Name Type Description Notes
kube_config str The content of the kubeconfig file of the kubernetes environment on which the control plane is running Simplified example:<br> <br> apiVersion: v1<br> clusters:<br> - cluster:<br> &emsp;&emsp;certificate-authority-data: abc123<br> &emsp;&emsp;server: https://example-server.domain.com:6443<br> &emsp;name: example-cluster.domain.com:6443<br> contexts:<br> - context:<br> &emsp;&emsp;cluster: ocp-cluster1<br> &emsp;&emsp;user: admin<br> &emsp;name: admin<br> current-context: admin<br> kind: Config<br> preferences: {}<br> users:<br> - name: admin<br> &emsp;user:<br> &emsp;&emsp;client-certificate-data: abc123<br> &emsp;&emsp;client-key-data: xyz987<br> <br> For more information on the kubeconfig file, read the documentation <a target=&quot;_blank&quot; href=https://docs.cloudera.com/r/cdp-pvc-kubernetes>here</a>. [optional]
remote_repo_url str The url of the remote repository where the private cloud artifacts are hosted. [optional]

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