CDH 5.9.3 Release Notes
The following lists all Spark Netlib Jiras included in CDH 5.9.3
that are not included in the Spark Netlib base version 1.1. The
file lists all changes included in CDH 5.9.3. The patch for each
change can be found in the cloudera/patches directory in the release tarball.
Changes Not In Spark Netlib 1.1
- [BIGTOP-1050] - Permissions on YARN LCE should be 4754
- [BIGTOP-1194] - redhat-lsb-core is sufficient in spec files
- [BIGTOP-1589] - Prioritization is broken in bigtop-detect-javahome
- [BIGTOP-1356] - Generate hive.install on the fly
- [BIGTOP-1438] - asciidoc is no longer needed by Sqoop
- [BIGTOP-1398] - hadoop-hdfs-fuse can't be installed on Ubuntu 14.04
- [BIGTOP-1371] - Spark-master service fails to start due to missing /usr/lib/spark/work
- [BIGTOP-1308] - Installing HBase removes chrony if it is configured
- [BIGTOP-1306] - RPM licensing metadata is inconsistent and wrong
- [BIGTOP-1266] - Zookeeper init script doesn't source /etc/default/zookeeper
- [BIGTOP-1215] - Refactor Tomcat deployment
- [BIGTOP-1193] - Update Spark packaging for various conventions
- [BIGTOP-1189] - spark-python dependency needs to be updated to spark-core
- [BIGTOP-1187] - Spark service packages have extraneous core in the name
- [BIGTOP-1182] - Location of HCat binary default file not overridable
- [BIGTOP-1170] - Add an easier tool for uploading / creating the sharelib
- [BIGTOP-1027] - 'bigtop-detect-classpath' helper script missing from bigtop-utils
- [BIGTOP-1150] - update Spark debian packaging to the latest format
- [BIGTOP-1125] - Return value does not reflect status checks
- [BIGTOP-1114] - Hue metastore app is missing from core registration and Debian packages
- [BIGTOP-1112] - sqoop-client should require bigtop-utils
- [BIGTOP-1044] - hive and hive-jdbc versions should be kept in sync
- [BIGTOP-1045] - Be consistent with shells, bigtop-detect-javahome, and bigtop-utils versions
- [BIGTOP-1037] - Provide a mechanism to control the sourcing of defaults files
- [BIGTOP-1005] - Create versionless symlinks in hadoop client directory
- [BIGTOP-1017] - Revert a commit that introduces some unneeded dependencies
- [BIGTOP-988] - HCatalog does not launch daemon process in a known directory
- [BIGTOP-975] - HBase regionserver init script does not implement "condrestart" command
- [BIGTOP-984] - bigtop-utils doesn't detect JAVA_HOME for Oracle JDK 7 when package by Debian's tool
- [BIGTOP-983] - Oozie-client package ships its docs twice
- [BIGTOP-982] - hcatalog needs to be given HCAT_HOME and HIVE_HOME
- [BIGTOP-1085] - spark packages needs to be split
- [BIGTOP-1139] - bigtop-tomcat and bigtop-jsvc don't depend on bigtop-utils
- [BIGTOP-1138] - hadoop-conf-pseudo package uses the deprecated parameter
- [BIGTOP-1137] - provide a way to request a major version of JDK
New Feature
- [BIGTOP-811] - Add /var/lib/bigtop as a location to install SQL connectors and other plug-ins
- [BIGTOP-39] - Include Apache Avro in Bigtop
- [MAPREDUCE-4649] - needs to be updated post YARN-1
- [OOZIE-1560] - Log messages should have a way of identifying which server they came from when using HA
- [DISTRO-533] - Solr server watchdog makes heartbeat request using server short hostname, not FQDN
- [SENTRY-24] - NOTICE.txt missing from generated tarball
- [IMPALA-3529] - Package the minidump collection script along with Impala.
- [IMPALA-2889] - Generate one combined binary for impalad, statestored, catalogd
- [IMPALA-2632] - Link LLVM bytecode into impalad binary