All URIs are relative to https://localhost/api/v55
Method | HTTP request | Description |
createHBaseSnapshotFromRemote | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/snapshots | |
createPolicies | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/snapshots/policies | Creates one or more snapshot policies. |
deletePolicy | DELETE /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/snapshots/policies/{policyName} | Deletes an existing snapshot policy. |
listHBaseSnapshotsCommand | POST /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/snapshots/listHBaseSnapshotsCommand | Starts a command that lists the available HBase snapshots from S3 or local HBase service. |
readHistory | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/snapshots/policies/{policyName}/history | Returns a list of commands triggered by a snapshot policy. |
readPolicies | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/snapshots/policies | Returns information for all snapshot policies. |
readPolicy | GET /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/snapshots/policies/{policyName} | Returns information for a specific snapshot policy. |
updatePolicy | PUT /clusters/{clusterName}/services/{serviceName}/snapshots/policies/{policyName} | Updates an existing snapshot policy. |
ApiCommand createHBaseSnapshotFromRemote(clusterName, serviceName, bandwidthPerMap, directCopy, externalAccount, numMappers, schedulerPoolName, body)
// Import classes:
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiClient;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiException;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.Configuration;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.auth.*;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.SnapshotsResourceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
HttpBasicAuth basic = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basic");
basic.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basic.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
SnapshotsResourceApi apiInstance = new SnapshotsResourceApi();
String clusterName = "clusterName_example"; // String |
String serviceName = "serviceName_example"; // String |
java.math.BigDecimal bandwidthPerMap = new java.math.BigDecimal(); // java.math.BigDecimal |
Boolean directCopy = true; // Boolean |
String externalAccount = "externalAccount_example"; // String |
java.math.BigDecimal numMappers = new java.math.BigDecimal(); // java.math.BigDecimal |
String schedulerPoolName = "schedulerPoolName_example"; // String |
ApiHBaseSnapshot body = new ApiHBaseSnapshot(); // ApiHBaseSnapshot |
try {
ApiCommand result = apiInstance.createHBaseSnapshotFromRemote(clusterName, serviceName, bandwidthPerMap, directCopy, externalAccount, numMappers, schedulerPoolName, body);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling SnapshotsResourceApi#createHBaseSnapshotFromRemote");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
clusterName | String | ||
serviceName | String | ||
bandwidthPerMap | java.math.BigDecimal | [optional] | |
directCopy | Boolean | [optional] | |
externalAccount | String | [optional] | |
numMappers | java.math.BigDecimal | [optional] | |
schedulerPoolName | String | [optional] | |
body | ApiHBaseSnapshot | [optional] |
ApiSnapshotPolicyList createPolicies(clusterName, serviceName, body)
Creates one or more snapshot policies.
Creates one or more snapshot policies.
// Import classes:
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiClient;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiException;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.Configuration;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.auth.*;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.SnapshotsResourceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
HttpBasicAuth basic = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basic");
basic.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basic.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
SnapshotsResourceApi apiInstance = new SnapshotsResourceApi();
String clusterName = "clusterName_example"; // String |
String serviceName = "serviceName_example"; // String |
ApiSnapshotPolicyList body = new ApiSnapshotPolicyList(); // ApiSnapshotPolicyList | List of the snapshot policies to create.
try {
ApiSnapshotPolicyList result = apiInstance.createPolicies(clusterName, serviceName, body);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling SnapshotsResourceApi#createPolicies");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
clusterName | String | ||
serviceName | String | ||
body | ApiSnapshotPolicyList | List of the snapshot policies to create. | [optional] |
ApiSnapshotPolicy deletePolicy(clusterName, policyName, serviceName)
Deletes an existing snapshot policy.
Deletes an existing snapshot policy.
// Import classes:
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiClient;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiException;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.Configuration;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.auth.*;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.SnapshotsResourceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
HttpBasicAuth basic = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basic");
basic.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basic.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
SnapshotsResourceApi apiInstance = new SnapshotsResourceApi();
String clusterName = "clusterName_example"; // String |
String policyName = "policyName_example"; // String | Name of an existing snapshot policy.
String serviceName = "serviceName_example"; // String |
try {
ApiSnapshotPolicy result = apiInstance.deletePolicy(clusterName, policyName, serviceName);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling SnapshotsResourceApi#deletePolicy");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
clusterName | String | ||
policyName | String | Name of an existing snapshot policy. | |
serviceName | String |
ApiCommand listHBaseSnapshotsCommand(clusterName, serviceName, storage, storageLocation, tableName)
Starts a command that lists the available HBase snapshots from S3 or local HBase service.
Starts a command that lists the available HBase snapshots from S3 or local HBase service. If a table name is provided, it will list the snapshots for that table only, otherwise it will list all available snapshots.
// Import classes:
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiClient;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiException;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.Configuration;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.auth.*;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.SnapshotsResourceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
HttpBasicAuth basic = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basic");
basic.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basic.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
SnapshotsResourceApi apiInstance = new SnapshotsResourceApi();
String clusterName = "clusterName_example"; // String |
String serviceName = "serviceName_example"; // String |
String storage = "storage_example"; // String | Location from where the snapshots should be fetched.
String storageLocation = "storageLocation_example"; // String | Location of remote snapshots, if other than the local storage should be used.
String tableName = "tableName_example"; // String | Table for which to list snapshots. If null is provided, it will list all snapshots for all tables.
try {
ApiCommand result = apiInstance.listHBaseSnapshotsCommand(clusterName, serviceName, storage, storageLocation, tableName);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling SnapshotsResourceApi#listHBaseSnapshotsCommand");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
clusterName | String | ||
serviceName | String | ||
storage | String | Location from where the snapshots should be fetched. | [optional] [enum: LOCAL, REMOTE_S3] |
storageLocation | String | Location of remote snapshots, if other than the local storage should be used. | [optional] |
tableName | String | Table for which to list snapshots. If null is provided, it will list all snapshots for all tables. | [optional] |
ApiSnapshotCommandList readHistory(clusterName, policyName, serviceName, limit, offset, view)
Returns a list of commands triggered by a snapshot policy.
Returns a list of commands triggered by a snapshot policy.
// Import classes:
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiClient;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiException;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.Configuration;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.auth.*;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.SnapshotsResourceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
HttpBasicAuth basic = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basic");
basic.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basic.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
SnapshotsResourceApi apiInstance = new SnapshotsResourceApi();
String clusterName = "clusterName_example"; // String |
String policyName = "policyName_example"; // String | Name of an existing snapshot policy.
String serviceName = "serviceName_example"; // String |
java.math.BigDecimal limit = new java.math.BigDecimal(); // java.math.BigDecimal | Maximum number of commands to retrieve.
java.math.BigDecimal offset = new java.math.BigDecimal(); // java.math.BigDecimal | Index of first command to retrieve.
String view = "summary"; // String | The view to materialize.
try {
ApiSnapshotCommandList result = apiInstance.readHistory(clusterName, policyName, serviceName, limit, offset, view);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling SnapshotsResourceApi#readHistory");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
clusterName | String | ||
policyName | String | Name of an existing snapshot policy. | |
serviceName | String | ||
limit | java.math.BigDecimal | Maximum number of commands to retrieve. | [optional] [default to 20] |
offset | java.math.BigDecimal | Index of first command to retrieve. | [optional] [default to 0] |
view | String | The view to materialize. | [optional] [default to summary] [enum: EXPORT, EXPORT_REDACTED, FULL, FULL_WITH_HEALTH_CHECK_EXPLANATION, SUMMARY] |
ApiSnapshotPolicyList readPolicies(clusterName, serviceName, view)
Returns information for all snapshot policies.
Returns information for all snapshot policies.
// Import classes:
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiClient;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiException;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.Configuration;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.auth.*;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.SnapshotsResourceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
HttpBasicAuth basic = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basic");
basic.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basic.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
SnapshotsResourceApi apiInstance = new SnapshotsResourceApi();
String clusterName = "clusterName_example"; // String |
String serviceName = "serviceName_example"; // String |
String view = "summary"; // String | The view to materialize.
try {
ApiSnapshotPolicyList result = apiInstance.readPolicies(clusterName, serviceName, view);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling SnapshotsResourceApi#readPolicies");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
clusterName | String | ||
serviceName | String | ||
view | String | The view to materialize. | [optional] [default to summary] [enum: EXPORT, EXPORT_REDACTED, FULL, FULL_WITH_HEALTH_CHECK_EXPLANATION, SUMMARY] |
ApiSnapshotPolicy readPolicy(clusterName, policyName, serviceName, view)
Returns information for a specific snapshot policy.
Returns information for a specific snapshot policy.
// Import classes:
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiClient;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiException;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.Configuration;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.auth.*;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.SnapshotsResourceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
HttpBasicAuth basic = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basic");
basic.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basic.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
SnapshotsResourceApi apiInstance = new SnapshotsResourceApi();
String clusterName = "clusterName_example"; // String |
String policyName = "policyName_example"; // String | Name of an existing snapshot policy.
String serviceName = "serviceName_example"; // String |
String view = "summary"; // String | The view to materialize.
try {
ApiSnapshotPolicy result = apiInstance.readPolicy(clusterName, policyName, serviceName, view);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling SnapshotsResourceApi#readPolicy");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
clusterName | String | ||
policyName | String | Name of an existing snapshot policy. | |
serviceName | String | ||
view | String | The view to materialize. | [optional] [default to summary] [enum: EXPORT, EXPORT_REDACTED, FULL, FULL_WITH_HEALTH_CHECK_EXPLANATION, SUMMARY] |
ApiSnapshotPolicy updatePolicy(clusterName, policyName, serviceName, body)
Updates an existing snapshot policy.
Updates an existing snapshot policy.
// Import classes:
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiClient;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.ApiException;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.Configuration;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.client.auth.*;
//import com.cloudera.api.swagger.SnapshotsResourceApi;
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
// Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
HttpBasicAuth basic = (HttpBasicAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("basic");
basic.setUsername("YOUR USERNAME");
basic.setPassword("YOUR PASSWORD");
SnapshotsResourceApi apiInstance = new SnapshotsResourceApi();
String clusterName = "clusterName_example"; // String |
String policyName = "policyName_example"; // String | Name of an existing snapshot policy.
String serviceName = "serviceName_example"; // String |
ApiSnapshotPolicy body = new ApiSnapshotPolicy(); // ApiSnapshotPolicy | Modified policy.
try {
ApiSnapshotPolicy result = apiInstance.updatePolicy(clusterName, policyName, serviceName, body);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling SnapshotsResourceApi#updatePolicy");
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
clusterName | String | ||
policyName | String | Name of an existing snapshot policy. | |
serviceName | String | ||
body | ApiSnapshotPolicy | Modified policy. | [optional] |