AllHostsResource Resource

GET /cm/allHosts/config

Retrieve the default configuration for all hosts.

These values will apply to all hosts managed by CM unless overridden at the host level.

Request Parameters
name type description default
view query The view of the data to materialize, either "summary" or "full". summary
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json ApiConfigList (JSON) List of config values.

PUT /cm/allHosts/config

Update the default configuration values for all hosts.

Note that this does not override values set at the host level. It just updates the default values that will be inherited by each host's configuration.

Request Parameters
name type description default
message query Optional message describing the changes. n/a
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json ApiConfigList (JSON) The config values to update.
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json ApiConfigList (JSON) Updated list of config values.