Default Namespace
type description
ApiActivity Represents a user activity, such as a MapReduce job, a Hive query, an Oozie workflow, etc.
ApiActivityList A generic list.
ApiAddCustomCertsArguments Arguments to add custom certificates to the Auto-TLS certificate database
ApiAudit Models audit events from both CM and CM managed services like HDFS, HBase and Hive. Audits for CM managed services are retrieved from Cloudera Navigator server.
ApiAuditList A generic list.
ApiAuthRole This is the model for user role scope in the API since v18. This is used to support granular permissions.
ApiAuthRoleAuthority This represents an authority with a name and description.
ApiAuthRoleList A list of auth roles.
ApiAuthRoleMetadata This is the model for auth role metadata
ApiAuthRoleMetadataList A list of auth roles metadata.
ApiAuthRoleRef An authRoleRef to operate on ApiAuthRole object
ApiBatchRequest A batch request, comprised of one or more request elements.
ApiBatchRequestElement A single element of a batch request, often part of a list with other elements.
ApiBatchResponse A batch response, comprised of one or more response elements.
ApiBatchResponseElement A single element of a batch response, often part of a list with other elements.
ApiBulkCommandList A list of commands.

This list is returned whenever commands are issued in bulk, and contains a second list with information about errors issuing specific commands.

ApiCdhUpgradeArgs Arguments used for the CDH Upgrade command.
ApiCluster A cluster represents a set of interdependent services running on a set of hosts. All services on a given cluster are of the same software version (e.g. CDH4 or CDH5).
ApiClusterList A list of clusters.
ApiClusterNameList A list of cluster names.
ApiClusterPerfInspectorArgs Arguments used for the Cluster Performance Inspector
ApiClusterRef A clusterRef references a cluster. To operate on the cluster object, use the cluster API with the clusterName as the parameter.
ApiClusterTemplate Details of cluster template
ApiClusterTemplateClusterSpec Specify type of cluster to create. If one or more ApiDataContextRef are specified, the created cluster upon import will be a cluster with clusterType "COMPUTE".
ApiClusterTemplateConfig Config Details: The config can either have a value or ref or variable.
ApiClusterTemplateHostInfo This contains information about the host or host range on which provided host template will be applied.
ApiClusterTemplateHostTemplate Host templates will contain information about the role config groups that should be applied to a host. This basically means a host will have a role corresponding to each config group.
ApiClusterTemplateInstantiator Details of cluster template
ApiClusterTemplateRole Role info: This will contain information related to a role referred by some configuration. During import type this role must be materizalized.
ApiClusterTemplateRoleConfigGroup Role config group info.
ApiClusterTemplateRoleConfigGroupInfo During import time information related to all the non-base config groups must be provided.
ApiClusterTemplateService Service information
ApiClusterTemplateVariable Variable that is referred in cluster template.
ApiClusterUtilization Utilization report information of a Cluster.
ApiClusterVersion The CDH version of the cluster.
ApiClustersPerfInspectorArgs Arguments used for the Cloudera Manager level performance inspector. Network diagnostics will be run from every host in sourceCluster to every host in targetCluster.
ApiCmPeer Information about a Cloudera Manager peer instance.

The requirement and usage of username and password properties are dependent on the clouderaManagerCreatedUser flag.

When creating peers, if 'clouderaManagerCreatedUser' is true, the username/password should be the credentials of a user with administrator privileges on the remote Cloudera Manager. These credentials are not stored, they are used to connect to the peer and create a user in that peer. The newly created user is stored and used for communication with that peer. If 'clouderaManagerCreatedUser' is false, which is not applicable to REPLICATION peer type, the username/password to the remote Cloudera Manager are directly stored and used for all communications with that peer.

When updating peers, if 'clouderaManagerCreatedUser' is true and username/password are set, a new remote user will be created. If 'clouderaManagerCreatedUser' is false and username/password are set, the stored username/password will be updated.

ApiCmPeerList A list of Cloudera Manager peers.
ApiCmPeerType Enum for CM peer types.
ApiCollectDiagnosticDataArguments Arguments used for the collectDiagnosticData command.
ApiCommand Provides detailed information about a submitted command.

There are two types of commands: synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous commands complete immediately, and their results are passed back in the returned command object after the execution of an API call. Outside of that returned object, there is no way to check the result of a synchronous command.

Asynchronous commands have unique non-negative IDs. They may still be running when the API call returns. Clients can check the status of such commands using the API.

ApiCommandList A list of commands.
ApiCommandMetadata Provides metadata information about a command.
ApiCommandMetadataList A list of command metadata.
ApiCommissionState Represents the Commission state of an entity.
ApiConfig Model for a configuration parameter. When an entry's value property is not available, it means the entry is not configured. This means that the default value for the entry, if any, will be used. Setting a value to null also can be used to unset any previously set value for the parameter, reverting to the default value (if any).
ApiConfigList A list of configuration data.
ApiConfigStalenessStatus Represents the configuration staleness status of an entity.
ApiConfigureForKerberosArguments Arguments used to configure a cluster for Kerberos.
ApiDashboard A dashboard definition. Dashboards are composed of tsquery-based charts.
ApiDashboardList A list of dashboard definitions.
ApiDataContext ApiDataContext is the persistent storage/services context exported by the base cluster to be consumed by the compute cluster.
ApiDataContextList List of ApiDataContext
ApiDataContextRef Reference to an ApiDataContext object. More properties can be added to this object when we support mutable datacontexts, but for MVP datacontexts are immutable.
ApiDeployment This objects represents a deployment including all clusters, hosts, services, roles, etc in the system. It can be used to save and restore all settings.
ApiDeployment2 This objects represents a deployment including all clusters, hosts, services, roles, etc in the system. It can be used to save and restore all settings. This model will be used v18 and beyond since users will be represented by ApiUser2 v18 and beyond.
ApiDisableJtHaArguments Arguments used for disable JT HA command.
ApiDisableLlamaHaArguments Arguments used for disable Llama HA command.
ApiDisableNnHaArguments Arguments used for Disable NameNode High Availability command.
ApiDisableRmHaArguments Arguments used for Disable RM HA command.
ApiDisableSentryHaArgs Arguments used for disable Sentry HA API call.
ApiEcho The echoMessage carries a message to be echoed back from the API service.
ApiEnableJtHaArguments Arguments used for enable JT HA command.
ApiEnableLlamaHaArguments Arguments used for enable Llama HA command.
ApiEnableLlamaRmArguments Arguments used for enable Llama RM command.
ApiEnableNnHaArguments Arguments used for Enable NameNode High Availability command.
ApiEnableRmHaArguments Arguments used for enable RM HA command.
ApiEnableSentryHaArgs Arguments used for enable Sentry HA command.
ApiEntityStatus The single value used by the Cloudera Manager UI to represent the status of the entity. It is computed from a variety of other entity-specific states, not all values apply to all entities. For example, STARTING/STOPPING do not apply to a host.
ApiEntityType Represents the types of entities.
ApiEvent Events model noteworthy incidents in Cloudera Manager or the managed Hadoop cluster. An event carries its event category, severity, and a string content. They also have generic attributes, which are free-form key value pairs. Important events may be promoted into alerts.
ApiEventQueryResult A generic list.
ApiExternalAccount Represents an instantiation of an external account type, referencing a supported external account type, via the typeName field, along with suitable configuration to access an external resource of the provided type. The typeName field must match the name of an external account type.
ApiExternalAccountCategory Type representing an external account category.
ApiExternalAccountCategoryList Represents a list of external account categories.
ApiExternalAccountList Represents a list of external accounts.
ApiExternalAccountType A supported external account type. An external account type represents an external authentication source that is used by Cloudera Manager in its APIs to take suitable actions that require authentication to an external service. An external account type is uniquely identified by a server-generated ID and identifies with a category identifier: e.g. The "AWS" category has an account type "AWS_Access_Key_Authorization"
ApiExternalAccountTypeList Represents a list of external account types.
ApiExternalUserMapping This is the model for external user mapping information in the API, v19 and beyond. These can be of 4 types : LDAP group, SAML, SAML attribute and External Script.

ApiExternalUserMappingList A list of external user mappings.
ApiExternalUserMappingRef An externalUserMappingRef references an externalUserMapping.
ApiExternalUserMappingType Enum for external user mapping types
ApiGenerateCmcaArguments Arguments to generate a Cloudera Manager Certificate Authority (CMCA).
ApiGenerateHostCertsArguments Arguments to install certificates on a host
ApiHBaseSnapshot An HBase snapshot descriptor.
ApiHBaseSnapshotError A HBase snapshot operation error.
ApiHBaseSnapshotPolicyArguments HBase specific snapshot policy arguments.
ApiHBaseSnapshotResult Detailed information about an HBase snapshot command.
ApiHdfsCloudReplicationArguments Replication arguments for HDFS.
ApiHdfsDisableHaArguments Arguments used for the HDFS disable HA command.
ApiHdfsFailoverArguments Arguments used when enabling HDFS automatic failover.
ApiHdfsHaArguments Arguments used for HDFS HA commands.
ApiHdfsReplicationArguments Replication arguments for HDFS.
ApiHdfsReplicationCounter A counter in an HDFS replication job.
ApiHdfsReplicationResult Detailed information about an HDFS replication job.
ApiHdfsSnapshot An HDFS snapshot descriptor.
ApiHdfsSnapshotError An HDFS snapshot operation error.
ApiHdfsSnapshotPolicyArguments HDFS specific snapshot policy arguments.
ApiHdfsSnapshotResult Detailed information about an HDFS snapshot command.
ApiHdfsUsageReport A generic list.
ApiHealthCheck Represents a result from a health test performed by Cloudera Manager for an entity.
ApiHealthSummary Represents of the high-level health status of a subject in the cluster.
ApiHiveCloudReplicationArguments Replication arguments for Hive services.
ApiHiveReplicationArguments Replication arguments for Hive services.
ApiHiveReplicationError A Hive replication error.
ApiHiveReplicationResult Detailed information about a Hive replication job.
ApiHiveTable A Hive table identifier.
ApiHiveUDF An hive UDF identifier.
ApiHost This is the model for a host in the system.
ApiHostCertInfo Associates a hostname with its corresponding certificate and private key
ApiHostInstallArguments Arguments to perform installation on one or more hosts
ApiHostList A list of ApiHost objects
ApiHostNameList A list of host names.
ApiHostRef A reference to a host.
ApiHostRefList A list of host references.
ApiHostTemplate A host template belongs to a cluster and contains a set of role config groups for slave roles (such as DataNodes and TaskTrackers) from services in the cluster. At most one role config group per role type can be present in a host template. Host templates can be applied to fresh hosts (those with no roles on them) in order to create a role for each of the role groups on each host.
ApiHostTemplateList A list of host templates.
ApiHostsPerfInspectorArgs Arguments used for the Cloudera Manager level performance inspector. Network diagnostics will be run from every host in sourceHostList to every host in targetHostList.
ApiImpalaCancelResponse The response from an Impala cancel query response.
ApiImpalaQuery Represents an Impala Query.
ApiImpalaQueryAttribute Metadata about an Impala query attribute.
ApiImpalaQueryAttributeList The list of all the attributes that are applicable to Impala queries.
ApiImpalaQueryDetailsResponse A query details response.
ApiImpalaQueryResponse The response contains a list of queries and warnings.
ApiImpalaRoleDiagnosticsArgs Arguments used for Rolling Restart commands.
ApiImpalaTenantUtilization Utilization report information of a tenant of Impala application.
ApiImpalaTenantUtilizationList A list of impala tenant utilization reports.
ApiImpalaUDF An impala UDF identifier.
ApiImpalaUtilization Utilization report information of a Impala application service.
ApiImpalaUtilizationHistogram Histogram of Impala utilization.
ApiImpalaUtilizationHistogramBin Histogram bin of Impala utilization.
ApiImpalaUtilizationHistogramBinList A generic list.
ApiJournalNodeArguments Arguments used as part of ApiEnableNnHaArguments to specify JournalNodes.
ApiKerberosInfo Kerberos information of a Cluster or Cloudera Manager.
ApiLicense Information about the Cloudera Manager license.
ApiLicenseFeature Information about the Cloudera Manager license feature details.
ApiLicensedFeatureUsage Information about the number of nodes using which product features.

Usage information is provided for individual clusters, as well as totals across all clusters.

ApiListBase A generic list.
ApiMapEntry Models a map entry, with a key and a value. By forming a list of these entries you can have the equivalent of Map<String, String> (since JAX-B doesn't support maps).
ApiMetric A metric represents a specific metric monitored by the Cloudera Management Services, and a list of values matching a user query.

These fields are available only in the "full" view:

  • displayName
  • description
ApiMetricData A single data point of metric data.
ApiMetricList A list of ApiMetric objects
ApiMetricSchema A metric schema represents the schema for a specific metric monitored by the Cloudera Management Services.
ApiMetricSchemaList A list of ApiMetricSchema objects
ApiMr2AppInformation Represents MapReduce2 information for a YARN application.
ApiMrUsageReport A generic list.
ApiNameservice Provides information about an HDFS nameservice.

Nameservices can be either a stand-alone NameNode, a NameNode paired with a SecondaryNameNode, or a high-availability pair formed by an active and a stand-by NameNode.

The following fields are only available in the object's full view:

  • healthSummary
  • healthChecks
ApiNameserviceList A list of HDFS nameservices.
ApiParcel A Parcel encapsulate a specific product and version. For example, (CDH 4.1). A parcel is downloaded, distributed to all the machines of a cluster and then allowed to be activated.

> The available parcels are determined by which cluster they will be running on. For example, a SLES parcel won't show up for a RHEL cluster.

ApiParcelList A list of ApiParcel.
ApiParcelRef A parcelRef references a parcel. Each parcel is identified by its "parcelName" and "parcelVersion", and the "clusterName" of the cluster that is using it. To operate on the parcel object, use the API with the those fields as parameters.
ApiParcelState The ApiParcelState encapsulates the state of a parcel while it is in transition and reports any errors that may have occurred..

The complete progress of a parcel is broken up into two different reporting indicators - progress and count. Progress is the primary indicator that reports the global state of transitions. For example, when downloading, progress and totalProgress will show the current number of bytes downloaded and the total number of bytes needed to be downloaded respectively.

The count and totalCount indicator is used when a state transition affects multiple hosts. The count and totalCount show the current number of hosts completed and the total number of hosts respectively. For example, during distribution, the progress and totalProgress will show how many bytes have been transferred to each host and the count will indicate how many hosts of of totalCount have had parcels unpacked.

Along with the two progress indicators, the ApiParcelState shows both errors and warnings that may have turned up during a state transition.

ApiParcelUsage This object provides a complete view of the usage of parcels in a given cluster - particularly which parcels are in use for which roles.
ApiParcelUsageHost This object is used to represent a host within an ApiParcelUsage.
ApiParcelUsageParcel This object is used to represent a parcel within an ApiParcelUsage.
ApiParcelUsageRack This object is used to represent a rack within an ApiParcelUsage.
ApiParcelUsageRole This object is used to represent a role within an ApiParcelUsage.
ApiPerfInspectorBandwidthArgs Arguments to run bandwidth diagnostics as part of performance inspector. Requires iperf3 package installed on hosts.
ApiPerfInspectorPingArgs Arguments to run ping test.
ApiPrincipalList A list of kerberos principals.
ApiProcess A process represents a unix process to be managed by the Cloudera Manager agents. A process can be a daemon, e.g. if it is associated with a running role. It can also be a one-off process which is expected to start, run and finish.
ApiReplicationCommand Information about a replication command.

This object holds all the information a regular ApiCommand object provides, and adds specific information about the results of a replication command.

Depending on the type of the service where the replication was run, a different result property will be populated.

ApiReplicationCommandList A list of replication commands.
ApiReplicationDiagnosticsCollectionArgs Optional arguments for diagnostics collection.
ApiReplicationSchedule A replication job schedule.

Replication jobs have service-specific arguments. This object has methods to retrieve arguments for all supported types of replication, but only one argument type is allowed to be set; the backend will check that the provided argument matches the service type where the replication is being scheduled.

The replication job's arguments should match the underlying service. Refer to each property's documentation to find out which properties correspond to which services.

ApiReplicationScheduleList A list of replication schedules.
ApiReplicationState The state of Hive/HDFS Replication.
ApiRestartClusterArgs Arguments used for Cluster Restart command. Since V11: If both restartOnlyStaleServices and restartServiceNames are specified, a service must be specified in restartServiceNames and also be stale, in order to be restarted.
ApiRole A role represents a specific entity that participate in a service. Examples are JobTrackers, DataNodes, HBase Masters. Each role is assigned a host where it runs on.
ApiRoleConfigGroup A role config group contains roles of the same role type sharing the same configuration. While each role has to belong to a group, a role config group may be empty. There exists a default role config group for each role type. Default groups cannot be removed nor created. The name of a role config group is unique and cannot be changed. The configuration of individual roles may be overridden on role level.
ApiRoleConfigGroupList A list of role config groups.
ApiRoleList A list of roles.
ApiRoleNameList A list of role names.
ApiRoleRef A roleRef references a role. Each role is identified by its "roleName", the "serviceName" for the service it belongs to, and the "clusterName" in which the service resides. To operate on the role object, use the API with the those fields as parameters.
ApiRoleState Represents the configured run state of a role.
ApiRoleTypeConfig Role type configuration information.
ApiRoleTypeList A list of roles types that exists for a given service.
ApiRolesToInclude Roles to include during a cluster rolling restart.
ApiRollEditsArgs Arguments used for the Roll Edits command.
ApiRollingRestartArgs Arguments used for Rolling Restart commands.
ApiRollingRestartClusterArgs Arguments used for Rolling Restart Cluster command.
ApiRollingUpgradeClusterArgs Rolling upgrade arguments used in the CDH Upgrade Command. Part of ApiCdhUpgradeArgs.
ApiRollingUpgradeServicesArgs Arguments used for Rolling Upgrade command.
ApiSchedule Base class for commands that can be scheduled in Cloudera Manager.

Note that schedule IDs are not preserved upon import.

ApiScheduleInterval Represents the unit for the repeat interval for schedules.
ApiScmDbInfo Cloudera Manager server's database information
ApiService A service (such as HDFS, MapReduce, HBase) runs in a cluster. It has roles, which are the actual entities (NameNode, DataNodes, etc.) that perform the service's functions.

HDFS services and health checks

In CDH4, HDFS services may not present any health checks. This will happen if the service has more than one nameservice configured. In those cases, the health information will be available by fetching information about the nameservices instead.

The health summary is still available, and reflects a service-wide summary.

ApiServiceConfig Service and role type configuration.
ApiServiceList A list of services.
ApiServiceRef A serviceRef references a service. It is identified by the "serviceName", "clusterName" (name of the cluster which the service belongs to) and an optional "peerName" (to reference a remote service i.e. services managed by other CM instances). To operate on the service object, use the API with those fields as parameters.
ApiServiceState Represents the configured run state of a service.
ApiServiceTypeList A list of service types that exists for a given cluster.
ApiShutdownReadiness Cloudera Manager server's shutdown readiness
ApiSimpleRollingRestartClusterArgs Basic arguments used for Rolling Restart Cluster commands.
ApiSnapshotCommand Information about snapshot commands.

This object holds all the information a regular ApiCommand object provides, and adds specific information about the results of a snapshot command.

Depending on the type of the service where the snapshot command was run, a different result property will be populated.

ApiSnapshotCommandList A list of snapshot commands.
ApiSnapshotPolicy A snapshot policy.

Snapshot policies have service specific arguments. This object has methods to retrieve arguments for all supported types of snapshots, but only one argument type is allowed to be set; the backend will check that the provided argument matches the type of the service with which the snapshot policy is associated.

ApiSnapshotPolicyList A list of snapshot policies.
ApiTenantUtilization Utilization report information of a tenant.
ApiTenantUtilizationList A list of tenant utilization reports.
ApiTimeSeries A time series represents a stream of data points. Each data point contains a time and a value. Time series are returned by executing a tsquery.
ApiTimeSeriesAggregateStatistics Statistics related to one time series aggregate data point. It is available from v6 for data points containing aggregate data. It includes further statistics about the data point. An aggregate can be across entities (e.g., fd_open_across_datanodes), over time (e.g., a daily point for the fd_open metric for a specific DataNode), or both (e.g., a daily point for the fd_open_across_datanodes metric). If the data point is for non-aggregate date this will return null.
ApiTimeSeriesCrossEntityMetadata A class holding additional metadata to the ApiTimeSeriesAggregateStatistics class that applies specifically to cross-entity aggregate metrics.
ApiTimeSeriesData A single data point of time series data.
ApiTimeSeriesEntityAttribute A time series entity attribute represents a possible attribute of a time series entity type monitored by the Cloudera Management Services.

Available since API v11.

ApiTimeSeriesEntityAttributeList A list of ApiTimeSeriesEntityAttribute objects
ApiTimeSeriesEntityType Describe a time series entity type and attributes associated with this entity type.

Available since API v11.

ApiTimeSeriesEntityTypeList A list of ApiTimeSeriesEntityType objects
ApiTimeSeriesMetadata Metadata for a time series.
ApiTimeSeriesRequest Request object containing information needed for querying timeseries data. Available since API v11.
ApiTimeSeriesResponse The time series response for a time series query.
ApiTimeSeriesResponseList A generic list.
ApiUser This is the model for user information in the API prior to v18. Post v18, please refer to ApiUser2.java.

Note that any method that returns user information will not contain any password information. The password property is only used when creating or updating users.

ApiUser2 This is the model for user information in the API, v18 and beyond.

Note that any method that returns user information will not contain any password information. The password property is only used when creating or updating users.

ApiUser2List A list of users.
ApiUser2Ref A userRef references a user.
ApiUserList A list of users.
ApiUserSession This is the model for interactive user session information in the API.

A user may have more than one active session. Each such session will have its own session object.

ApiUserSessionList A list of user sessions.
ApiVersionInfo Version information of Cloudera Manager itself.
ApiWatchedDirList A list of watched directories.
ApiYarnApplication Represents a Yarn application
ApiYarnApplicationAttribute Metadata about a YARN application attribute.
ApiYarnApplicationAttributeList The list of all attributes that are applicable to YARN applications.
ApiYarnApplicationDiagnosticsCollectionArgs Arguments used for collecting diagnostics data for Yarn applications
ApiYarnApplicationResponse The response contains a list of applications and warnings.
ApiYarnKillResponse The response from an Yarn kill application response.
ApiYarnTenantUtilization Utilization report information of a tenant of Yarn application.
ApiYarnTenantUtilizationList A list of yarn tenant utilization reports.
ApiYarnUtilization Utilization report information of a Yarn application service.
BaseApiSshCmdArguments Contains common arguments for commands which require SSH'ing into one or more hosts.
PerfInspectorPolicyType Enum to pick the type of Performance Inspector Diagnostics to run
ReplicationOption This will decide how cloud replication will take place
ReplicationStrategy The strategy for distributing the file replication tasks among the mappers of the MR job associated with a replication.
ScmDbType Enum for Cloudera Manager DB type. Note that DERBY and SQLITE3 are not supported DBs
ShutdownReadinessState Enum for Cloudera Manager shutdown readiness state.
ZooKeeperServerMode The state of the Zookeeper server.