ExternalAccountsResource Resource

Manage external accounts used by various Cloudera Manager features, for performing external tasks.

POST /externalAccounts/create

Create a new external account. Account names and display names must be unique, i.e. they must not share names or display names with an existing account. Server generates an account ID for the requested account.

Request Body
media type data type
application/json ApiExternalAccount (JSON)
Response Body
media type data type
application/json ApiExternalAccount (JSON)

GET /externalAccounts/supportedCategories

List of external account categories supported by this Cloudera Manager.

Response Body
media type data type description
application/json ApiExternalAccountCategoryList (JSON) external account categories

PUT /externalAccounts/update

Update an external account.

Request Body
media type data type
application/json ApiExternalAccount (JSON)
Response Body
media type data type
application/json ApiExternalAccount (JSON)

GET /externalAccounts/account/{name}

Get a single external account by account name.

Request Parameters
name type description default
name path n/a
view query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json ApiExternalAccount (JSON)

GET /externalAccounts/accountByDisplayName/{displayName}

Get a single external account by display name.

Request Parameters
name type description default
displayName path n/a
view query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json ApiExternalAccount (JSON)

DELETE /externalAccounts/delete/{name}

Delete an external account, specifying its name.

Request Parameters
name type description default
name path n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json ApiExternalAccount (JSON)

GET /externalAccounts/supportedTypes/{categoryName}

List of external account types supported by this Cloudera Manager by category.

Request Parameters
name type description default
categoryName path n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json ApiExternalAccountTypeList (JSON)

GET /externalAccounts/type/{typeName}

Get a list of external accounts for a specific account type.

Request Parameters
name type description default
typeName path n/a
view query n/a
Response Body
media type data type
application/json ApiExternalAccountList (JSON)

GET /externalAccounts/account/{name}/config

Get configs of external account for the given account name.

Request Parameters
name type description default
name path The external account name n/a
view query The view to materialize, either "summary" or "full". summary
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json ApiConfigList (JSON) the current external account configurations.

PUT /externalAccounts/account/{name}/config

Upadate configs of external account for the given account name.

Request Parameters
name type description default
name path The external account name n/a
message query Optional message describing the changes. n/a
Request Body
media type data type description
application/json ApiConfigList (JSON) Settings to update.
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json ApiConfigList (JSON) The updated configuration.

GET /externalAccounts/typeInfo/{typeName}/commandsByName

Lists all the commands that can be executed by name on the provided external account type.

Available since API v16.

Request Parameters
name type description default
typeName path The external account type name n/a
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json ApiCommandMetadataList (JSON) a list of command metadata objects

POST /externalAccounts/account/{name}/commands/{commandName}

Executes a command on the external account specified by name.

Available since API v16.

Request Parameters
name type description default
commandName path The command name. n/a
name path The external account name. n/a
Response Body
media type data type description
application/json ApiCommand (JSON) Information about the submitted command.