ApiControlPlane Data Model

A Control Plane in a Cloudera Manager instance

name data type description
namespace string The namespace where the control plane is installed. Append the domain to the namespace to get the url of the control plane.
dnsSuffix string The domain where the control plane is installed. Append the domain to the namespace to get the url of the control plane.
uuid string The universally unique ID of this control plane in Cloudera Manager
remoteRepoUrl string The url of the remote repository where the artifacts used to install the control plane are hosted
version string The CDP version of the control plane
manifest string The content of the manifest.json of the control plane
valuesYaml string The content of the values.yaml used to configure the control plane
kubernetesType string The kubernetes type on which the control plane is running


  "namespace" : "...",
  "dnsSuffix" : "...",
  "uuid" : "...",
  "remoteRepoUrl" : "...",
  "version" : "...",
  "manifest" : "...",
  "valuesYaml" : "...",
  "kubernetesType" : "..."